So, in order to stretch the kittens’ boundaries – and that’s not hard since the foster room is where they’ve spent their entire lives so far – I thought I’d take Roux and Praline on a field trip to my bedroom. I had Fred go up and grab them and bring them downstairs, then I shut the bedroom door and sat down on the floor with them.
I honestly didn’t realize that Stefan was in the room because he was sound asleep on the bed, so when he jumped down and took a look at Roux, I wasn’t nearly as fast with the camera as I’d have liked.
This is the moment Roux realized that the big cat she’d excitedly run over to was NOT, in fact, her Mama.
“I was just napping, and decided I’d go get a slurp of water. How’d I end up in this situation, lady?”
Watching for a reaction from Stefan, who was just sitting there waiting for this whole situation to end.
I know we’re supposed to be shivering in fear and all – but I have to note this: isn’t Roux GORGEOUS with her stripes and white boots?
In all, the big confrontation lasted about a minute, and then Stefan decided he wanted out of the room. Roux very vigorously sniffed where he’d been sitting, and then went looking for her sister.
Praline had no idea anything had gone on, and was all “Hey, look! Isn’t this cool? Where ya been? How come you’re wearing that suit?”
I had no idea Dewey was in the room either – he was hanging out on the cat tree – and he was interested in Roux, but not so interested that he approached her. Which was probably a good thing – I’m not sure she wanted to put her Floof suit on a second time.
They stayed in my room for about half an hour and then went back to tell Andouille and Beignet all about their adventures. I’ll be continuing the field trips, and will likely make them longer. And of course Andouille and Beignet will get their turns, too.
Video! All four sections of this video were recorded last night just before bed time. Those kittens? Completely nuts!
Maxi hanging out on the side stoop all day long? Must be summer!
2016: Art was all ::FLOOF::
2015: Sleepy Sunday.
2014: Dennis needs a home!
2013: He is just. So. FLOOFY.
2012: Look at my vacation pics Thursday!
2011: “HI MAMA!”
2010: Apparently Corbett WANTED to get down, but Stinkerbelle was sitting there glaring at him, and he was too skeered.
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: “I CAN BE A GIRL!” I said.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.