Weekly Instagram/Facebook/Tumblr Roundup.
Good night, innernets. (Telstar)
Kitten ears: it’s what’s for dinner. (Stardust and Hubble)
Good night, innernets. (Mercury & Telstar – Mercury’s face is cracking me UP.)
Hubble wonders why the Tiny Basket is getting smaller and smaller!
“Hi innernets, hi hi! Please admire my spotted belly.” (Aurora)
Good night, innernets. (Aurora)
Good night, innernets. (Phoenix and Telstar)
Telstar wishes you a happy Thlurrrpsday.
Good night, innernets, from Phoenix and Hubble.
A little Open Mouth of Outrage from Aurora, courtesy of Stardust.
Good night, innernets, from Stefan and Newt.
“Hellew, innernets, and happy Caturday!”
Good night, innernets. (Stardust & Phoenix)
Mercury’s kittens: 7 1/2 to 8 1/2 weeks old. They have SO much personality, those kittens.
2016: No entry.
2015: “::sigh:: Really, lady? We not done with the camera yet?”
2014: “Am having quiet time, lady. You go ‘way.”
2013: “I spy with my little eye a lady who desperately needs a manicure.”
2012: Petey and Thistle, doin’ the snuggle thang.
2011: No entry.
2009: “How YOU doin’?”
2008: I swear that every time a foster cat’s stay with us draws near to a close, they get unbearably cuter and sweeter.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.