Brian Boitano has a judgmental.
Katia’s pretty much over this nonsense.
But then, as usual, she gives in.
Brian Boitano with the judgement again.
And AGAIN. I’m getting double judgement here, even.
If you look closely, you can see that Scott’s eyes are changing color. Wahhh!
Oh dear, oh dear, this poor wee kitten is trapped under that tree! Oh well, it was nice knowin’ you, Oksana.
I put this faux-fur pillow cover in the box (Emmy’s box!) and for several days the kittens all acted as though it wasn’t there – and then suddenly Debi decided it was awesome, and it’s her preferred place to hang out.
Tessa shows off her ninja stripes.
Picabo needs a kiss, don’tchathink?
Katia’s kittens turned 9 weeks old yesterday, and Kristi’s kittens turned 6 weeks old today. They’re all eating on their own (although they all hit up the milk bar as often as possible, too), using the litter boxes, climbing, running, jumping – all the things a cat should know how to do. I am slowly moving the litter boxes into the closet so that there’s more room to play in the room itself. You can go check out their weight charts on their page, if you’re interested. Dean’s the heaviest at 2 pounds 12 ounces, and Picabo is the tiniest at just over 1 pound. Not that that stops those two from wrestling all the time! Picabo’s little, but she’s fierce.
Video! Picabo’s got the hippity-hops.
Maxi shows off her Tony Soprano Eyes.
2017: Time for the morning flailies!
2016: No entry.
2015: Can you EVEN believe that these little monkeys are four weeks old?
2014: Dennis Wednesday.
2013: “FORGET IT. I’m not doing THAT! They can just stay where they are!”
2012: Not in the mood to play with kittens, I guess!
2011: No entry.
2010: It’s a miracle!
2009: Bed capacity: holds four.
2008: These kittens are never going to open their eyes.
2007: The move went about as smoothly as a move can go.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.