Friday evening, I went over to Petsmart to check on Arundel and Eliot. I knew adoption hours were going on, and figured I’d just pop in, say hi, kiss them both, and be on my way. To my surprise, it turned out someone was filling out an application to adopt BOTH of them – and it was someone I knew!
Lisa, who was a Challenger’s House volunteer/adoption counselor for years, and Ray had shown up with the intention of adopting Eliot, thinking that she was the last of the Mainer kittens left. When they realized Arundel was there also, they decided they couldn’t adopt just ONE – and so Eliot (now Ellie) and Arundel (now Arwen) went home Friday night, joining Batman (who was our foster kitten Paul Simon) and sisters Maggie and Raven. The best part? There’s a Facebook page! – go follow them at Batman and Raven – with Maggie (the title may change, or Lisa may start a whole new page, but for now you can see them there)! So far, things are going great (and Ellie is proving to be just as nosy as described.)
Saturday afternoon Torvill and Oksana, who have been getting a break at Michelle’s house, had a meet and greet, and yesterday afternoon THEY WENT HOME!
I can’t even tell you HOW VERY HAPPY I am to see those awesome sweethearts finally go home – and I have zero doubt that they’ll be loved and spoiled!
(To answer the question y’all might have – yes, Kristi and Katia are still at People Are Okay, Really boot camp, and there’s been incremental progress with Katia. It’ll likely be a long-term process and if there’s any big news I’ll be sure to share it with y’all.)
“I’m not entirely sure how this is your fault, lady…”
Solenoid waits patiently for the milk bar to open (and the look on Ryder’s face is killing me dead.)
Sometimes the milk bar only has a few customers…
And sometimes it’s quite crowded!
Khal likes to sit on this shelf in the passage between the computer room and kitchen and keep an eye on me.
2017: Aurora would like you to admire her armpit.
2016: Darry gave his a deep sniff.
2015: “That’s MY foot!”
2014: Cap’n Trader Joe, sailin’ that track toy to shore.
2013: Tony practices his PAWS UP, Y’ALL.
2012: “I are having a thought.”
2011: The Catpranos (warning: the language! Sweet mother of god the LANGUAGE!)
2010: “What, lady? What you want?”
2009: Life is good.
2008: Pet store kitties.
2007: Crazy Eyes struggles with a wee case of claustrophobia.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.