Rochefort’s all “Hmm… Are the fish tacos any good?”
“They’re all we got! They’re okay!”
“I’ll take two!”
“Planchet, get down here and make the tacos!”
D’Artagnan is all “We’re gonna be millionaires.”
I moved the taco truck to the other side of the room (so it wouldn’t block the door) and they love that thing. They love to leap through the front of the truck at high speed.
(Thank you to Kristin, who let me know that Target is now carrying the Taco Truck scratcher. I immediately ordered it online, but the Target near me actually had one in stock when I went by on Friday, and my Target usually doesn’t have that sort of thing. So yours might too! If you decide the taco truck is just what you need, I highly recommend fortifying the corners with tape because mine started coming apart after a couple of days.)
That right there is a sleepy bed full of cute. (D’Artagnan, Aramis and Planchet.)
Athos, amazed as usual. And Constance back there looks like someone insulted her and she can’t believe the nerve.
I think a feather teaser had just swung by and Athos took a swipe (and missed.)
“This one’s always in that pile of beds,” says Winter disapprovingly. “Give someone else a chance!” I think it’s clear that I’m going to have to send at least a couple of those beds home with Aramis (whenever his people come along, that is.)
Porthos is helping with cleanup.
Winter appears to have just noticed her tail. I’m not sure how she managed to miss that thing before now.
Jake certainly does love Khal.
But honestly, he’d love anyone willing to clean his pointy little head.
2019: “Keep moving, kid. Mama’s getting some pampering.”
2018: No entry.
2017: Then the vet opened a big container of treats, and Mercury was all “HALLO THERE I SEE YOU HAVE SOMETHING FOR ME” and proceeded to suck down a bunch of treats.
2016: Throw Back Thursday: Terry.
2015: Terry update!
2014: Oh, it’s so fascinating when she tells that story. I can’t wait.”
2013: No entry.
2011: These kittens are the standing-up balancingest kittens I’ve ever seen.
2010: Jake of the l’Unervilles.
2009: “O crystal ball, when will I get my fancy new eyelips?”
2008: I know. I’m an unreasonable monster.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: Morning kisses.