Help on the litter box front, please! I am going in for shoulder surgery in a few weeks, and then I will have to do all chores one-handed for at least a month. The one issue I am having is that my current litter – Dr. Elsey’s – which I like very much, produces cement-like clumps that stick hard to the litter pan and I need to scrape off the floor of the pan. Any suggestions of other clumping litter that is not as difficult to scoop? I would appreciate all suggestions. Any other workaround? I really don’t want to go to an automatic litter box (been there, done that, got the scars). Thanks!!!
I have suggestions! (I was going to say “two suggestions,” but as I typed I came up with more!)
1. You could spray the sides and bottom of the litter boxes with Pam, then wipe it off. I find that that helps with the clumps that tend to stick. Down side: they still stick a bit, and it needs to be reapplied every couple of weeks or so.
2. Non-stick litter box! (Affiliate link) I had one, it really worked, but WHOO EXPENSIVE for a litter box.
3. Arm & Hammer Slide litter! (Affiliate link for reference – buy it at Petsmart or Chewy, it’s cheaper.) I’ve tried it, it works, and if they made an unscented version, I would probably be using it. But alas they don’t, so I’m not (I loathe scented litter.)
4. Lightweight litter (all the brands have them, at this point). I don’t really recommend lightweight litter because it tracks like crazy, but I do think that the clumps stick less often.
Those are my suggestions – I hope that if y’all have other suggestions (or think any of the above suggestions don’t work), you’ll chime in!
(Also, shoulder surgery – ugh. If they offer it, GET THE NERVE BLOCK!)
Inquiring minds have to know: what is the maximum # of kittens you’ve ever napped with? Do they really stay asleep or do they start pouncing on you after 10 minutes?
Though I haven’t strictly kept track, I would guess that Ryder’s Fleet last year was the highest number of kittens I’ve napped with. There were 11 of them.
Usually they climb up onto the bed with me, do a little wrestling, bite my feet, maybe leave and come back, and eventually fall asleep. In other words, the pouncing takes place at the beginning of nap time, but once they fall asleep, they’re OUT. When I get up and resume my day, I usually leave a bed of sleeping kittens behind.
Is Jakey lying on 2 beds?
He is! They love those beds when there’s just one, but they LOVELOVELOVE them when there’s a second one stacked on top. One day I’m going to just start stacking beds to see how high the pile gets before it’s too tippy for the cats to climb up on.
OMG Milly/Molly is so gorgeous. I knew I loved that group! I’d love to see the others, Calais and… the other calico/tortie, forget her name.
You can see the other tortie – who was Arundel and is now Arwen – and her sister (previously Eliot, now Ellie) over at Facebook!
Please can we have a photo of Charles’s tail. I see he got this white spot on the tip.
Here’s a picture that includes his tail light. He was guarding the treat jar… or the phone (but more likely the treat jar.)
There are two toys that Caroline absolutely adores; one of them is this catnip candy cane toy.
Yes, that toy will go with her in the bag of toys I send with all fosters.
And she’s so sweet, she’ll even let the kittens play with her favorite toys.
Very often, I’ll walk into my room, find a pile of sleeping kittens on the bed, with both of Caroline’s favorite toys nearby like she left them for the kittens to play with. It is seriously adorable.
Willie gives Laura the ol’ chomperoo.
Caroline joins in and gives Willie the ol’ chomperoo.
Then Willie gets the chomperoo from both sides.
It turns into a brouhaha with everyone chomping everyone, of course.
Mary says “I’m not getting involved with THAT.”
Willie and Caroline moved to the cat tree for a snuggle and a nap.
Albert gives the play-by-play of the whole tussle. “She was like WHAM! And he was all SMACK! Then they was biting and squealing and it was all very exciting.”
“Did I miss a tussle?” wonders Almanzo.
Oh, that Frankie. Isn’t he just the prettiest?
2018: Snuggling with Deanzilla.
2017: The Cajuns, one month old.
2016: “This rug is very soft!” said Princess Consuela disapprovingly.
2015: Sleepy Sunday.
2014: Dennis needs a home!! (I love the pictures in this post.)
2013: Khaleesi’s birth story.
2012: No entry.
2011: “It was skeery.”
2010: “What? I’m just rolling around, here. I’m not gonna steal your box!”
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: My feng is not shui’d, and it’s annoying me.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.