Hard to believe just 13 weeks ago she birthed those kittens, isn’t it?
Pa thinks Willie’s tail is either a toy or a snack. Willie’s waiting to see what the decision is.
Charles looks like he’s having nefarious thoughts, doesn’t he?
Laura loves to dangle her front legs.
“What’s going on here? Did I miss nap time?!”
Oh, that girl. She is just so darn pretty.
Willie and Albert turned that basket over in about 10 seconds flat.
I opened the box the Kitty Cardboard box (over there to the right) came in, and naturally they thought the flat box was the best thing ever.
Albert and Willie, all “You again?”
One of the reasons* I’m so excited about getting this big room as the foster room is because it actually gets sun in the morning. The other room rarely sees sun due to the big tree in front of the window.
*Other reasons: It’s much bigger, and a couch can fit in there. Yay!
“Seriously, lady? Trying to sleep here!”
Oh, that Frankie. He is such a sweet boy.
If you’re curious, Frankie continues to do very well. (Newer readers: Frankie is FIV positive and has stomatitis, which required surgery two years ago to remove the majority of his teeth. He’s on a twice-weekly dose of Atopica, and while he doesn’t love being medicated, he tolerates it very well. Of note: our big floofy black kitty Khal is also FIV positive, but has had no health issues so far.)
2018: “Forget about the toes,” says Debi. “Have you seen my fabulous STRIPES?”
2017: “Hey, you guys, wake up and play!”
2016: “Mama, Mama, Mama! Gimme a piggyback ride!”
2015: Da baby.
2014: Livia’s just tired of me and that stupid camera.
2013: Talk about covered in kittens!
2012: They decided I might be okay.
2011: No entry.
2010: No entry.
2009: Scheming.
2008: BRATS.
2007: I think the shirt is broken, though. No one ever offers me chocolate!
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.