Want to meet the new babies? You know you do!
Merry. (Cat. She’s a kittycat. And she dancedancedance and she dancedancedance.)
I went with the suggestion Rhys made last week (when we were trying to come up with names for Seamus, Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail), to go with Christmas/ holiday names. Once I named Faith, I kind of wanted to go with Faith, Hope, and Charity for the girls (the torties are girls; the orange and brown tabbies are boys), but Hope had been used before, so I couldn’t.
Kringle was almost named “Parson Brown”, by the way, but we preferred Kringle. Actually, Fred preferred Frankincense (Frankie), but I liked Kringle better.
These kittens are real scaredy cats. They’re about 10 weeks old and apparently haven’t been handled much up until now. They’re not feral, by any means. They’ll let me handle them, but when I hold and pet them, they give me the sad eyes and say “Lady, why you torturing me with the love and kisses?”, and run off as soon as I put them down.
They also sleep a lot, which is probably because they were all spayed and neutered Wednesday, and were also dewormed, given shots, and had Frontline spray sprayed in their ears (ear mites). I imagine if all that happened to me in a short amount of time, I’d be longing for the release that sweet, sweet sleep would afford me.
I love love LOVE little long-haired kittens. And that is all.
Oh that Newt, what a pretty, pretty boy.
2005: No entry.