Nick, needing a kiss. (Did I oblige? OF COURSE.)
Like son. Try to relax, you guys!
It’s a Nick pie – my favorite, obviously.
Daisy, Nick and Jay are now at Petsmart; I delivered them yesterday afternoon. It will likely be a brief stay for Daisy – she got an application, and will hopefully get to go home soon, depending on how soon the application is processed. Hopefully Nick and Jay’s new family(ies) will be along soon as well. I will, of course, report any news when there is news to report.
Starling is picking up Wren’s talky ways.
Rufous considers the dish towel.
Starling’s all “LADY. Do not be touching the belly. How DARE.”
Rufous, Starling and Wren pose for a picture on the cat tree.
TaterPlover did love that scratcher tunnel. But alas, it got barfed on, and it’s gone to the big recycling center in the sky. RIP, scratcher tunnel! You were awesome!
Later today, once I get the room scrubbed down, the Nestlings will be moving upstairs to the foster room. I think they will VERY much enjoy having big cat trees to climb, and all those scratchers and toys.
An old shot of the beautiful Dewey, so you don’t forget what a beautiful boy he is!
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
Well good morning, boys. (Nick, left, and Jay)
Wren’s all “Gee, Mister, you sure are good-lookin’!” (That’s Rocco, the cat who belongs to the neighbor and mostly lives on our front porch.)
YouTube link
Myrtle and Zelda were adopted and went home on Saturday. They are now residents of Illinois, and are named Opal (Myrtle) and Ruby (Zelda), and they are already very much loved. Here’s a video of pictures I took of them from the day they were born, to the day they headed off to their happily ever after.
Tater-Wren pie! (My favorite!)
Rufous was giving Auntie Alice the Love Eyes, but all he got for his troubles was the ol’ slapperoo.
2022: Wondering if I was gonna take a nap with him.
2021: Alice Mo wonders just who is going to sweep up all these ding dang leaves. (She just knows it’s not going to be her.)
2020: No entry.
2018: “WHAT DOIN’, LADY?!”
2017: This-Universe Robyn often seems to think that THINKING of doing something is the same as actually doing it.
2016: “HI, Unca Stefan! Hi!”
2015: #Skelton has a skeptical. “I does not NEED to be tutored, lady, I am already super smart!”
2014: I love the whiskers in the sun, and also love Dennis’s face, all “WHAT IN TARNATION IS GOING ON?!”
2013: “He’s sucking the life out of me, lady.”
2012: “That little stomping brat always steals all the attention and I DON’T LIKE IT!”
2011: “OH MY STARS! Doesn’t ANYONE ever vacuum this room? Look at this mess!”
2010: No entry.
2009: No entry.
2008: Warning: May cause cavities due to the sheer utter adorable cuteness.
2007: One of these things is not like the others,.
2006: No entry.
2005: Edgar would just like to sleep, please.