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In case you missed it on social media yesterday…
Tina was adopted! She’s going to be a resident of St. Louis, Missouri, is keeping her name and although she won’t have her own social media page, we WILL get updates! She is going to be so loved and so spoiled, and she deserves every bit of it.
Today’s post has the rest of the pictures I took while Tina was with us.
That Churu desk is gonna miss her.
Taking in some afternoon sunlight, post-nap.
Putting some finishing touches on the bus.
On Saturday, we did a little project in the foster room. This empty wall…
Got some steps and beds! Tina tested it out for me.
“I can see everything from up here!”
I kept hoping she’d curl up for a nap, but apparently it was too new and exciting for that.
“Why you wait ’til NOW to put this cool stuff up?” (Because I didn’t get everything I needed until late Friday!)
Goodbye, Chef Tina. It’s been a true pleasure fostering you.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) this weekend.
“Pretty sure it’s Churu time, lady.”
Carmy and Richie update! Sharon reports: “Carmy has been content in the basket most of the afternoon. Richie has been up exploring, then finding his hiding place of choice (but he comes out if I call him). Mollie has been in several times (she is demanding) and hasn’t had a lot to say about Carmy’s tiny little hisses at her. He doesn’t put his ears back or anything, just looks and hisses. Mollie wonders what he is and finds her worst nightmares come true – more kittens!”
Meander is completely uninterested in what’s going on in the office (where Carmy and Richie are for now), and Angus is not speaking to Sharon.
Things are going well!
(Thanks, Sharon!)
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It’s Churu time for Tina, and fortunately she’s there to lead me to the Churu desk, because how would I ever find it on my own? She knows I get lost easily. Such a HELPFUL girl.
Churu is a Tina-approved way to start the day!
Former foster floofy tortie Mollie (Millinocket, 2018) gives those loaf pans the ol’ snifferoo while Carmy keeps a close eye on her, and Richie plays with one of the toys I sent home with them.
(Thanks Sharon!)
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Tina’s feeling playful this morning.
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Conversations with Tina wherein she refuses to admit that she’s Da BAYbee. (But will confirm that she’s awfully cute.)
Good night innernets. (Tina, who looks like she’s more ready for play than sleep!)
Just a Tina and her crinkle ball, takin’ it easy.
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Tina keeps a close eye on the printer, does a little jumping… and gets an important message! (Let’s just all pretend like her suitcase hasn’t already been packed for a while now!)
Hooray, hooray, Tina was adopted today! She is moving to St. Louis, Missouri! Her name will remain Tina, and she will be an only spoiled kitty. She won’t have a social media page BUT we are promised updates! Happy life, sweet girl!
Good night innernets. (Permanent resident Charlie)
2024: No entry.
2023: If I HAVE to have a cat in heat, a quiet one isn’t so bad.
2022: Post-nap Ivy, considering another nap.
2021: “Go ahead, lady. You know you wanna grab the belly.”
2020: Gabrielle, having stolen Alice’s favorite bed, stretches smugly.
2019: Apparently kittens are tasty.
2018: No entry.
2017: Prince Dewey in his castle.
2016: “Hallooooo, innernets, I see you!”
2015: No entry.
2014: Sometimes you’ve gotta show a Cheetah who the boss is (it ain’t the Cheetah, FYI).
2013: No entry.
2012: “You tell dat lady she gots excellent taste. Also, Georgie like a good sneergle.”
2011: “Well, well, well. Now that those little brats are gone, I guess you’re stuck taking pictures of ME, lady. WOE IS YOU.”
2010: I think they just like to mess with me.
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.