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Spock and Janeway were adopted yesterday! They now live in the hollers of Kentucky, and their new names are Jethro and Elly May (which I think suits them very well.) They’re the only cats (only animals) in their new home, and will have many windows to look out of, and a lot of wildlife to watch. They are going to be SO spoiled!
Today’s post includes the rest of the pictures I took that include them.
I wish I’d managed to get Spock’s face in this picture, but whatcha gonna do?
Sitting on the side of the tub, showing off that ridiculously long tail.
Spock waiting for the feather teaser to come back around.
And sitting atop the scratcher, waiting to take a leap.
So CLOSE to getting that feather teaser, and yet no luck.
I made them fold the laundry one last time before they went home.
Honestly just the very best of friends. I’m so glad they got adopted together.
Yes, I sent a TON of springs home with them, and I sent the cube with them, too.
M’Lynn and Shelby in my lap. So CUTE.
Shelby’s blue eyes just kill me.
Today I’m going to scrub down the foster room so I can get M’Lynn and Shelby moved over. I think M’Lynn will love having more room to spread out.
Alice Mo won’t miss those kittens.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
“Give us the Churu, lady.” (Spock & Janeway)
Kirk update! After wearing each other out on the sunporch, Kirk and big sister Mango were exhausted and had to recharge… and (bottom) Sunday night football was too much, and he had to nap again! (Thanks Rebekah!)
YouTube link
Janeway and Spock are burning off some energy this morning.
Hooray, hooray, Spock and Janeway have been adopted (together)!!! They are on their way home right now to Kentucky where they will be so very loved. Their new names are Jethro and Ellie Mae, which I think is perfect! Happy life, sweet babies. (And we’ve been promised updates!) (Edited to add: It’s apparently spelled “Elly May,” I should have checked that on IMDB before I posted this yesterday!)
M’Lynn thinks it might be time to go to a two-plate feeding system.
Good night innernets. (Lap kitties Shelby and M’Lynn)
2022: Do you think Kim and Nacho are waiting for me to toss another toy?
2021: No entry.
2020: No entry.
2019: Luc listens sympathetically as I tell him how I JUST swept the leaves off the deck yesterday and LOOK how it’s covered up again, grrr!
2018: “Stop making me stare up into the sun, lady. It’s gonna melt my marshmallow fluff brain right out my ears.”
2017: Stardust from the side, with a sniff from Hubble.
2015: No entry.
2014: No one trying to kill anyone here, nope. Move along.
2013: “Hi, hi! Hi weird people of the internet! Hi!”
2012: Polly loves to play sparkleball in the tub.
2011: It makes us both laugh and laugh.
2010: No entry.
2009: “You rang?”
2008: It’s hard to believe that volume of sound is coming from such a little thing!
2007: Snuggly brudders.
2006: I have a bunch of pictures of Maddy I haven’t cleared off my memory stick yet, so you’ll be seeing them for the next few days.
2005: “Take a picture Mom, quick! I can’t hold this pose for long!”