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It looks like the chair vomited up a Drum.
Drum and Ouiser have a snuggle. (Awww, look at that little smile on Ouiser’s face!)
Shelby’s all “This toy is MINE.”
Clairee is such a sweet little lapkitten.
Drum’s “Kilroy was here” pose.
M’Lynn wonders what we’re doin’ next.
Sunday evening I weighed Shelby, to find (to my utter DELIGHT) that she is now OVER 2 pounds (907 g). She’s still a little small for her age, but she’s eating well and gaining and she is NOT skin and bones any more, so I am VERY pleased with her progress.
I set an arbitrary rule a few weeks ago that when she got to 2 pounds, I’d let them all have the run of the upstairs. (This more than doubles the amount of space they have to run and play, because it includes the hallway, my bedroom, my office, and the bathroom.) When I opened the door mid-morning yesterday, M’Lynn said “SEE YA, KIDS!” and vamoosed right out the door. In the next hour she sniffed every single inch of the upstairs. After that, she retreated to the foster room where she snoozed under the brass bed for a few hours, then came back out to re-sniff every inch of the upstairs again.
The kittens? Not so much. They came to the door, peeked out, and then ran and hid. They came out and sat in the doorway and stared at me. At every unfamiliar sound that came up the stairs, they ran and hid and then came back out. Finally, they napped the day away on the cat tree and I couldn’t convince them to come out and explore.
Every litter handles it differently – some come out right away and stay out, some come out and explore and then go back into the foster room and some (like these guys) take their time. It’ll probably take a few days, but they’ll come out eventually.
Currently the other three kittens’ weights are as follows:
Drum: 3 pounds, 4 ounces (1.47 kg)
Clairee: 3 pounds, 3 ounces (1.45 kg)
Ouiser: 2 pounds, 15 ounces (1.33 kg)
So you can see why Shelby looks so much smaller than the other three – ’cause she is! I wouldn’t be surprised if she starts to catch up to them in the next month or so.
Alice Mo the calico says “You are not my Daddy, yo.”
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
Shelby leaps into the day while Ouiser gives me the “I told her she’s too little to hang out on top of that chair” look.
YouTube link
Apparently it’s Turtle Time.
That’s right: it’s Churu time! (From left: Clairee, Drum, M’Lynn, Shelby & Ouiser)
YouTube link
Clairee the lapkitten has a purrrr.
Someone knocked on the door downstairs and M’Lynn was trying to see who it was. (This girl cracks me UP with her mirror-as-window usage.)
Good night innernets. (M’Lynn SO appreciates being used as a footrest.)
2022: After all that feather teaser watching, Francesca needed a nap.
2021: No entry.
2020: No entry.
2019: More random pictures!
2018: “Feather teaser! You get DOWN HERE, right NOW!”
2017: Here we go – pictures of the back yard!
2016: Meet Willa.
2015: No entry.
2014: Kitties can have B*tchy Resting Face too!
2013: Paulie’s sounding out the words. “Cheeeeeewyyyyy. Dot com!”
2012: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2011: Jax keeps an eye on Clay. JUST LIKE IN THE SERIES. This cannot end well for Clay.
2010: No entry.
2009: It’s a Christmas miracle!
2008: No entry.
2007: She tried charming me by falling asleep with her tongue sticking out of her mouth.
2006: “Whyfor haff you stopped petting me, Lady? WOE IS ME!”
2005: No entry.