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I’ve received a couple more holiday cards! See them over at Flickr, or scroll through them below. I love that cards are still arriving, but am kind of wishing I’d left my Christmas tree up!
Paper Clip and the existential angst.
Posty looks so dark here that at first glance I thought she was Stapler.
“I’m the good-looking one,” says Stapler.
Today’s good news is that Stapler is adoption pending! She’ll be joining a family with a couple of kitties, one of whom would love to have a playmate. I think Stapler will fit the bill! She’ll be with us for a while longer – ’til early April – because her new family can’t come get her ’til then.
This leaves Posty and Paper Clip still available! I would looove it if they were adopted straight from here and didn’t have to go to Petsmart. Fingers crossed! (If you’re sitting considering one or the other, rest assured that those two do NOT have to go together – they’re not bonded – and you can email Forgotten Felines of Huntsville at info (at) ffhsv.org to inquire.)
Dear lord is Sundrop adorable or what?
A shot of Poppi (front) and Fanta side by side. Looks like we’ve got a tortie point (her) and a cream/flame point (him.) He’s the biggest kitten, and she’s the smallest – you can see their updated weight chart (they turned 3 weeks old yesterday) here. Fanta is juuuust under one pound and I’m sure he’ll get there today or tomorrow.
If you’re interested in seeing how they compare to previous litters, there’s a “comparative weights” tab on that spreadsheet. Right now they’re averaging heavier than the Chefs at 3 weeks, and lighter than the Hopalong Gang.
Mama keeps an eye on those kids.
Fanta up close. Oh, those blue, blue, blue eyes.
Poppi’s kind of the quiet observer of this bunch, I think.
They’re wandering away from the nest more and more, but they always return to it. At least for now!
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) yesterday.
Moxie keeps toddling out of the nest and I keep putting her back in the nest because because she’s still so LITTLE, and she finds me extremely annoying.
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With the renovation on the food truck NOWHERE near finished, Posty finds herself distracted by another demolition job.
Paper Clip’s watching from up on high.
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The kittens kept trying to wander off the blanket, but I’m not ready for that yet! I assumed they were getting hungry, but they didn’t seem all that interested in the milk bar either, so I guess they just wanted to get some walking practice in.
Good night innernets. (Sundrop and Fanta)
Moxie left the nest to go in search of the milk bar and she traveled MANY inches over LONG seconds before she found it. Such a little explorer.
Paper Clip loves this window hammock. Usually she sits and watches the birds out the window, but her sisters were shenanigating, so she was watching them instead.
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I am 100% sure that if they WERE still in the crate, Moxie and Poppi would have escaped it by now. These kittens wanna EXPLORE.
The ridiculously adorable Poppi.
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Sundrop and Poppi are feelin’ good, and Moxie and Fanta go exploring. (Everyone eventually makes it back to the nest, but I’m sure that won’t last long.)
Posty is ridiculously sweet and adorable and doesn’t even mind it when I kiss her 7,000 times a day.
Good night innernets. (Poppi (left) and Sundrop, Fanta’s butt (where’s his head? I dunno. It’s in there somewhere) and way in the back is Moxie.)
Paper Clip’s watchin’ me. ‘Cause someone’s gotta!
YouTube link
Stapler, Posty and Paper Clip let me know that it is TIME for the Churu! (It cracks me up that Posty and Stapler have the exact same voice.) I didn’t include the Churu-eating in this video, but rest assured that they got their Churu.
Not exactly what I intended when I told Fanta to smile, but y’know. A+ for effort!
YouTube link
The kittens are 3 weeks old today, and look how crowded the milk bar is getting! Luckily there are only 4 of them, so they still fit.
Stapler notices there’s an empty lap over here.
Good night innernets. (Fanta, Moxie, Poppi and Sundrop)
2024: No entry.
2023: She’s all “Something feels weird.”
2022: Those little bunny paws of hers just kill me dead.
2021: For a cat who’s 12 months pregnant, she sure seems to be living the life.
2020: Frankie.
2019: We have an eyeball!
2018: No entry.
2017: Archie, waiting for me to open the door so he can hesitate, think about it, maybe step one foot over the threshold and then stomp away in disdain.
2016: Is she not the most fabulously gorgeous girl?
2015: I don’t know that we’ve had a rare Diamond-Bellied Tuxie before!
2014: ..a chin strap, to hold her ears on! (Orlando’s got one, too.)
2013: No entry.
2012: Lest you think that Everett spends all his time chasing da bird, it is not so. He does lots of other things!
2011: No entry.
2010: No entry.
2009: Snugglebug.
2008: Elle and Skittles were finally adopted!
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.