Lita, Pat, and Stevie (who were named after girl rockers we love) came to us on December 15, 2014. They were trapped by a couple in Huntsville who do TNR (trap-neuter-release), and these girls were too small and too friendly to be returned to the feral colony they came from.
Lita and Stevie are super friendly little lovebugs who love to sit in your lap and be petted (especially Lita). Pat was a little more skittish to begin with, but after about a week, she decided that the humans (who provide the food and love) weren’t so bad after all. She’s not quite a lap sitter yet, but she will be soon enough.
They joined the Classic Rockers in the foster room, and after a few days of hissiness, they became good friends who enjoy playing together, and curling up for naps.
You can read about the Girl Rockers beginning here (there are links at the top and bottom of each entry; click on the one on the right to take you to the next one). You can see all the pictures taken of them during their stay with us here at Flickr.