“Why you so weird, lady?” Annie Oakley inquires.
French Fry and Tater Tot are judging me.
“It’s hard NOT to judge you, lady.”
Funnel Cake loves to cram himself in that little basket.
Annie Oakley gives Charlie the sniff-over.
And Charlie’s like “I can’t help it if I’m fabulous.”
I piled all the toys in the basket so I could clean the room, and Fritter said “This will make an excellent bed, thank you.”
I bought new (deeper) litter boxes for the kittens (from Target) and was immediately swarmed when I walked into the room. I had to remove 700 kittens from the new litter boxes to put fresh litter in them. I swear it seems like there are more kittens in there now that 5 have gone home.
Oh my Charlie bear. He is such a lovemuffin.
2019: Frankie wonders why Fleur and Henri are on his tree.
2018: “Sorry, lady, no room for you!”
2017: No entry.
2016: “My, Unca Stefan, what a big mouth you have!” says Raleigh.
2015: I took these pictures of him through the window the other day, and thought he looked particularly loonified.
2014: TC’s little teef just kill me.
2013: We’ve got another kitten infestation in the dishwasher.
2012: No entry.
2011: “No kittens here!”
2010: Thelma & Louise.
2009: Spanky is not so impressed with the wee kittens running around.
2008: No entry.
2007: Tommy + Stinkerbelle = True Lurve.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.