Last night…
Onion Ring was adopted and went home! He joins a family that includes Piper (formerly Dynamo), our foster from 2018. She was one of Ryder’s kittens! This means we’ll get lots of wonderful updates. Yay!
This leaves us with 4 kittens yet available: Fritter, Pretzel, Annie Oakley and Eclair. Hush Puppy and French Fry go home on Friday.
Hush Puppy insists that you SMILE.
A closeup of Annie Oakley and her gorgeous eyes.
Fritter gives Charlie the ol’ snifferoo.
Uncle Charlie takes a snooze in the big bed while Onion Ring takes a snooze on the overturned basket.
Oh that Fritter. He is such a pretty boy!
This picture makes me laugh and laugh. The angle makes long and lanky Pretzel look very… Kardashian-esque, if you will.
Eclair is like “Hmm… this ham-mick IS pretty cool!”
Uncle Charlie and Annie Oakley have their eyes on the feather teaser.
“I didn’t have an invite, and ask me if I CARE.” Oh that Archie, such a rebel. (For the record, Newt saw him in the box and did not care one tiny bit.)
2019: JoJo’s feelin’ kneady.
2018: No entry.
2017: Archie, guarding the door between the front hallway and the living room.
2016: Creed goes home!
2015: The cat on the bag of cat food is all “That is a FABULOUS tail. I wish MY tail was that fabulous!”
2014: Sparkle will have none of your shenanigans.
2013: No entry.
2012: No entry.
2011: She prefers to stay fabulous.
2010: Buster, to be exact.
2009: Those Wonka girls have some LUNGS on them.
2008: Something has disturbed the Delmar.
2007: Miss Stinky Stakes Her Claim.
2006: Want to meet the new babies? You know you do!
2005: No entry.