In case you missed it yesterday:
I cannot tell you how very relieved I was. The nurse took them back one by one to take blood, and when she brought the last one back to me (it happened to be Violet), she said “You can tell these kittens have never been handled!”
I was confused and said “What do you mean?” before I realized that she was teasing me. All four of them started purring as soon as someone picked them up, stopped briefly for the scary blood-taking portion, and then started right back up afterward. She didn’t say that they were the best babies ever, but I’m sure she was thinking it!
Yes, another shot of Veruca taking a bath. She’s a clean freak, apparently!
I do not believe I will ever get tired of the floof.
We’ll be heading out of here soon – it’s time for spaying and neutering for the Wonkas! Oh, they are EXCITED about that, believe me!
(I might have told them I was taking them for ice cream, though. I figure what they don’t know…)
I think I did not tell you that since the Cookies tested negative last week, and they’d started running for the door every time we opened it to go visit with them, we decided it was time to set them free. So around 8 every morning, I open the door and let them run around. Then around noon, I put them in their room for an hour or so, then let them back out ’til bedtime. It’s going pretty well. The main issue is that Jake and Elwood run into the Cookie room and eat the kitten food and use their litter boxes, but I figure that in some dim corner of their minds, Jake and Elwood consider that room their first home, since they were in there for a couple of weeks.
Keebler checks out the pile o’ pillows on the couch.
Keebler, preparing to jump from one couch to the other.
Spanky is not so impressed with the wee kittens running around. He only gets hissy if they get too up in his face, and then he only hisses ’til they back off. He’s a good boy, but he needs his space.
2008: No entry.
2007: Tommy + Stinkerbelle = True Lurve.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.