I love it when as many Cookies as possible cram themselves into one bed. There almost always seems to be one holdout, though.
The Cookies have had all their vaccinations, they’re spayed and neutered and id chipped. All we’re waiting for now is for there to be room for them at the adoption center. Depending on how adoptions go, they could go soon, or they could be here for a while longer. Who knows? All I’m doing now is spending half my day picking up kittens and kissing them.
I have a rash on my chin from where Orange and Blue love to sit and rub their wet noses on my chin. The rash is annoying, but they purr SO loud when they’re rubbing their noses on me that I can’t bear to make them stop.
It seems that every litter has one kitten who’s the quiet observer of the bunch. In the Cookie litter, that’s Hydrox (or, as Fred insists on calling him, “Hydro X”.) He’s more prone to sitting and watching than the rest of the litter. Don’t get me wrong, he does plenty of playing, and if his tummy rumbles he is SURE to let us know, but observing and taking mental notes on how stuff works seems to be his forte.
Orange has the most open, friendly, sweet face. Just looking at her sweet little face makes me want to squeeze her to bits.
Aww, look what I found! Gus’s floof, and Veruca in the background!
GOOD LORD it kills me, how sweet Mike is. We’ve both started calling him “Mikey.” Sometimes I call him “Mickey-Mack.” If he’s misbehaving (or thinking about it), I call him “Michael James.” (I don’t know where I got the ‘James” from.) Also, I think he kind of looks like a “Steve” for some reason. Whatever we call him, he doesn’t care. He’s the happiest boycat on earth.
Gus is concentrating so hard on that feather teaser that his tongue is sticking out and it cracks me UP.
Oh, I love how mellow Miz Poo has gotten in her old age. I mean, don’t get me wrong – if a kitten needs a smack, she’s up for the smackin’, but she’s kind enough to share her heated blanket with any kittens who wander by, and a few years ago I never would have believed it.
2008: No entry.
2007: I AM McStupid.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.