Sights from around Crooked Acres.
Morning Glory in the rain (LOVE these flowers!)
I think I’ll be pulling up tomato plants this weekend. The green tomatoes look gorgeous, but they split (or get eaten by worms) before they can ripen – and the ones that ripen are really bland. On the up side, I’ll have a ton of green tomatoes to freeze, to make green tomato chili this winter!
Carrots have finally popped up – took them 10 days to germinate, I’d about given up hope. (I really should have planted them three weeks earlier, but I just couldn’t get motivated!)
Of the 30+ cabbage seeds I planted, I ended up with 10 regular cabbage and 5 Chinese cabbage. I don’t know how we’ll eat alllll that cabbage (and that’s assuming we actually get full-sized heads, which you can never assume here at Crooked Acres. We haven’t had much luck with cabbage, but that doesn’t stop me from trying!)
The catnip is happy. Next year, I’m planting it in the BIG raised bed. You can never have enough catnip. (On a side note, I read that you can make tea from catnip leaves. What I wonder is, do you then walk around with catnip breath and the cats following you around trying to climb into your mouth? Anyone know?)
I was focusing on the chicken on the log and didn’t realize that the pigs were posing prettily in the background!
Another mama hen (and one of her babies in the background).
It is absolutely amazing, how fast these ducks are growing!
I love the white at the tips of their wings. Still no idea on the sex of any of them.
Considering his/ her next move (the other three were just off-camera).
I’m not sure what Gracie was looking at, here, but it certainly had her attention!
George enjoyed his evening snack.
Time for the nightly ear rub. If dogs could purr, that’s what he’d be doing.
“If I smile at you, will you give us cookies?” (Answer: NO. They’d already had their cookies!)
And, some sounds from Crooked Acres – whenever we walk out to the back forty, the chickens know they’re very likely going to get some scratch, so they come running from all over. (Special appearance by George, who hopes there’ll be a snack for him, too.)
Guess whose turn it is to attempt to get the feather teaser THIS time?
Patty looks like she’s thinking “Why, that’s simply AMAZIN’!”
Taking a break to show off their pretty eyes.
Be vewwy vewwy quiet. He’s huntin’ wabbits.
It looks like he snagged a fuzzy blue ball that he’s juggling, but that’s actually laying on the floor a few feet away.
I swear, Patty DOES do more than just sit around and watch what Charlie’s doing, I swear she does. But sometimes she just can’t take her eyes off him, I guess!
I love Everett’s brown-orange eyes.
Three-way fighting (l to r: Sally, Everett, Harlan)
Lucy and Molly partake of some refreshing cool water.
Stinkerbelle, atop the kitchen cabinets, keeping an eye on Buster.
2010: Meet Starsky and Hutch.
2009: Six of the six!
2007: No entry.
2006: This can’t end well.
2005: Nas. Tay.