Weekly Instagram/Facebook/Tumblr Roundup.
(These are pictures and videos that I uploaded to Instagram (and which auto-posted to Facebook and Tumblr) throughout the week. I know not everyone has access to that social media, so I’ll be posting them here once a week so everyone gets to see the cuteness.)
Bert Macklin has claimed the little basket, and he is raaather pleased with himself.
Goodnight, innernets. (Chanandler Bong)
YouTube link.
Oops, I booped him again. He’s all “Lady, you is weird.” (Art Vandelay)
Climbers! Bert Macklin on the left, Princess Consuela on the right.
Goodnight, innernets. (Princess Consuela)
Good morning, sleepyhead! (Ken Adams)
Basket time! (Bert Macklin, Chanandler Bong)
Maybe that isn’t the best spot for the triangle scratcher. (Bert Macklin & Regina Phalange)
Cadet Ken Adams, reporting for duty in his junior space ship!
Good night, innernets. (Ken Adams has got some serious EARS, doesn’t he?)
No modesty, this one. (Bert Macklin)
Chanandler Bong is hangin’ in her basket and feeling good.
Susie is eating solid food! She’s doing so well that I suspect it isn’t her first time.
Goodnight, innernets. (Bert Macklin, Art Vandelay)
Bert Macklin, drama queen. He didn’t know I was there, so in his startlement he gave me a hiss. I guess Drama Queen is his default.
I don’t know how Susie got up there, but she did! That girl is a true explorer!
5 of the 6 in my lap (Princess Consuela was hanging out with mama). 10 seconds later, they were sound asleep!
Goodnight, innernets. (Princess Consuela)
Sleepy Saturday. (Bert Macklin)
Goodnight, innernets. (Art Vandelay)
All the videos are put together into one video (except for that Art Vandelay Booping video up there) to make it easier for me.
2015: Seriously. I can’t even, with these kittens. How dare they?
2014: Of course, this brings me to my favorite two duck pictures.
2013: In cuter and fuzzier news…
2012: And Razzie’s all “Hey, I’m tiny TOO! Tell her!”
2011: No entry.
2010: No entry.
2009: Wild thang!
2008: No entry.
2007: It was, and it squawked and flapped when the light from the flashlight hit it, and again I screamed and levitated across the room, followed by an amazing number of cats.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.