Nick and Myrtle have a snuggle (with Jay watching on from the background.)
I needed to change out the bedding in the crate (only the second time since they were born, I believe; Daisy has kept that crate absolutely meticulous) so I put the kittens in the pie plate. I swapped out the bedding really quickly and turned back to grab the kittens, and in that 10 seconds Daisy had settled in to the pie plate with them. She didn’t stay, but I appreciate that she stayed long enough for me to grab this picture.
Daisy’s face is cracking me UP. “I was gonna go to law school. I was gonna become a judge. Then I fall for some sweet-talker just ONCE and now look at me.” (You can still practice your law career, Daisy!)
Nick is all “My compliments to the chef!”
I FINALLY got the foster room ready for Daisy and the kittens Sunday. I had originally intended to move them on Saturday but we had a last-minute situation that needed a trip to Lowe’s (ain’t it always the way? I am grateful that Lowe’s is only 10 minutes away, LET ME TELL YOU) and then we had to wait for paint to dry, but finally finally everything was done enough (we’re still waiting for the new mirror, which should be here today) and I moved them into the foster room early Sunday afternoon. Moving them was easy – I just put Daisy in the crate with the kittens, zipped it closed, and carried the whole thing into the foster room, set it down, and unzipped it.
Daisy, who had been in the foster room before, when she was still pregnant, doesn’t seem to remember the room. The entire thing has been repainted and cleaned and none of the furniture is where it was before, so I’m sure nothing about it is familiar to her. She spent the afternoon coming out of the crate, sniffing around, and going back into the crate. I think we’ve got maybe another week before the kittens are coordinated enough to leave the crate (famous last words, right?), so she’s got time to adjust without having to worry about them too much.
Alice is all “No thank you. I’m all set. Bye-bye, now.”
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) this weekend.
Well, this is a cute way to start the day. Jay, Myrtle and Nick are at the milk bar, and Daisy is rubbing her head against Zelda and purring. Awww.
Jay’s all “What’s going on out THERE?”
Nick got his blep on, and then I passed out from how utterly cute he is.
YouTube link
Nearly 4 minutes of excessive kitteny cuteness from the crate.
If you ever wondered what Zelda’s underside looks like, here’s a peek for you.
Good night, from the milk bar. (Kittens, from left: Jay, Myrtle, Nick and Zelda. And mama Daisy as the milk bar.)
Rabbit rabbit rabbit.
From Wikipedia: “Rabbit rabbit rabbit” is a superstition found in Britain and North America wherein a person says or repeats the words “rabbit”, “rabbits” and/or “white rabbits” aloud upon waking on the first day of a month, to ensure good luck for the rest of it.
Daisy’s got her bunny paws going, and is looking AWFULLY cute.
YouTube link
Jay’s got a complaint (or perhaps just an observation?) and mama Daisy just wants pettin’.
Good night innernets. (The Crate Catsbys, from top: Jay, Zelda, Nick (left) and Myrtle.)
Look who’s 2 weeks old (as of last evening)! I took these pictures during weigh-in time yesterday afternoon, and if you’re thinking “Wow, those are some chunky kittens,” you are 100% correct. They are, in fact, the heaviest 2 week old kittens since the Cajuns litter back in 2017 – they were also a 4-kitten litter, so it seems that the smaller the litter, they larger the kittens.
You can see their current weights here.
And you can see the comparative spreadsheet here.
Jay’s always aware of the goings-on. Look at those bright eyes!
I finally got a good picture of Zelda (left) and Nick, side by side. Zelda’s getting more sprinkles of orange as she gets older. Zelda has silky-soft fur, and Nick has cottony-soft fur (and they are both ADORABLE).
Mytle (and Jay) at the milk bar.
Zelda’s all “Watching you, lady. Watchin’. YOU.” (And Myrtle’s all “Yeah! What she said!”)
Good night innernets. (The Crate Catsbys: Zelda in the back (you can see her eyes gleaming), Myrtle on the left with Nick’s butt in her face, and Jay on the right, clearly scheming.)
2022: No entry.
2021: No entry.
2020: “I would never bite my brother and make him cry, and I’m appalled at the accusation!”
2019: Almanzo getting the ol’ chomperoo from Albert.
2018: Kristi considers her life choices.
2016: Not even 4 weeks old, and he’s got one litter box pee under his belt.
2015: Lucy’s Birth Story.
2014: Permanent Resident Throwback Thursday.
2013: Arnold is becoming quite the fluffmuffin.
2012: “You’re not touching my babies, are you? I KEEL YOU.”
2011: No entry.
2010: No entry.
2009: Someone said last week that Beulah looks like she’s in a space ship when she sits in the middle of the ball-track toy. She certainly does!
2008: No entry.
2007: “Oh, I’m not getting involved in this one!”
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.