ATTENTION PLEASE: If you recently sent me a Petsmart gift card and a Petco gift card off my Amazon wish list, please report to me (mizrobyn (at) so that I can properly thank you – Amazon didn’t let me know who they were from (now that I think about it, I’m not sure whether they were both from the same person or two different people), so I don’t know who to thank.
(And if you’ve sent something off the Amazon wish list and did NOT get a “thank you” through Amazon, please report to me as well. I always use the “thank this person” link that’s usually provided on the slips that come in the box, but I’m not entirely sure they arrive at their destination, and I would hate anyone to think that I don’t VERY much appreciate it!)
One time awhile back,you said you fed Fancy Feast to your fosters and permanent residents. If you have time,could you be more specific on which ones? There are so many different ones to choose from… Grilled, Gravy Lovers, Classic, Flaked, Medleys, Medleys Primavera, Delights, Savory Centers, Gourmet Naturals, Shredded, Pate and Purely and then so many flavors of all of the different kinds.
Thank you again for all you do and sharing it with us. It’s such a blessing!
I pretty much stick to the classic pate, and the grilled, usually in poultry and beef flavors. Specifically, I usually stock these pate flavors (links for reference) : Classic Chicken Feast, Tender Liver and Chicken, Tender Beef Feast, and Turkey and Giblets. The grilled flavors I keep on hand are the Chicken Feast in Gravy, Turkey Feast in Gravy, Liver and Chicken Feast in Gravy, Beef Feast in Gravy, and Turkey and Giblets Feast in Gravy.
I generally avoid the seafood flavors, though I’ll occasionally buy some just to mix things up. I thought for sure that my cats would like the Gravy Lovers flavors, but NOPE, they don’t care for it, and they also don’t care for the ones with cheddar in them.
Ok, that must not be a comprehensive list of your day since I didn’t see any mention of a nap with the fosters! Those nap shots are some of your classics!
We’re not at the napping stage yet! Usually that happens when they’re a bit older and have the run of the upstairs. Check back in about a month and you’ll probably see that there are naps galore going on.
Zelda’s big round head just cracks me up! Have the kittens tried any of Mama’s food yet? You said you thought it would happen sometime this week.
I haven’t seen any of them actually try it yet, but they’re all sniffing around it, so it’s just a matter of time!
Do you know how the better call saul kittens are doing?
Francesca and Nacho occasionally show up on the Instagram for Neko and Elfie (formerly Katriane and Margeaux) and they are doing great! Milo (formerly Mike) (and his siblings former fosters Rummy and Slapjack) are on Instagram and Facebook and they are doing really well, too.
And mama Kim Wexler is on Instagram, and doing amazingly well too!
I haven’t gotten any updates on Saul, Lalo or Gus recently, but if I do I will absolutely share them.
PS: If you’re out there, have adopted any former fosters, and want to send an update, you know we love ’em!
Nick climbed up the front of the couch, under the blanket, and curled up for some quiet time. (He’s only done it the once, but I thought it was so cute I got video (see the social media section below) AND a picture. Because of course I did!
Proof that yawns are catching: first Jay and Zelda.
Myrtle (that is not a yawn from Zelda – it’s a bite about to happen.)
“Who, us? What? We just hangin’ out!”
Pretty sure Myrtle just spotted her tail.
Jay and Nick have a tussle, under the ham-mick.
And Jay and Nick have a tussle, NOT under the ham-mick.
Myrtle, just a moment before she went zooming off.
Myrtle and Nick check out Zelda’s climbing technique.
This sisters’ meeting looks like it’s about to get contentious.
Yesterday I found out that the kittens have not 100% gotten the hang of the litter box(es) yet. When kittens are first starting to figure out the litter box, I put washable pee pads in all the corners of the room, just in case. Yesterday I walked in to find that two of the pee pads had been used multiple times (did I mention thank god for washable pee pads? More about those in a sec). So I’ve started putting the kittens in the litter boxes every time I come into the room (if they’re awake). So far, Zelda is far and away the champ about litter box usage (you’re not surprised, are you?), and nearly every time I put her in the litter box, she thinks about it for a moment and then pees.
The washable pee pads I use are these. They are 10 years old – I bought them in April of 2013, according to Amazon – they have been washed many, many times, and they hold up extremely well. I also have a few much larger ones (I use them on the couch in the kitten room, under the couch cover, and they’ve served me very well), and some smaller ones – these aren’t the exact ones, but they’re about the same size. Of course, I do have a pack of disposable pee pads, but the plastic on the bottom of those can be shredded by kitten paws, so I prefer the washable ones. (I like to use the disposable ones in carriers.)
Alice is keeping an eye on Newt. She heard the old guy gets extra snacks throughout the day, and she wants in on that action.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
In case you missed it in this morning’s blog post, Daisy was spayed yesterday (this picture is from before her spay, obviously.) I wouldn’t ordinarily have her spayed before the kittens are eating on their own, but there was room for her, the kittens could go without nursing for a few hours (we were gone a total of 4 hours), and I wanted to get it over with.
She is still producing milk and will continue to do so until she’s decided she’s done acting as milk bar. The first thing she did when I got her home was to clean her kittens and then flop down so they could nurse (I know it sounds uncomfortable to us, but she didn’t flinch at all; our mamas never want time to themselves to recover, and in fact tend to get pretty irate if we try to keep them separate). She’ll be available for adoption in a month or so, but for now she’s still got some mothering to do.
(The vet uses reversible anesthesia, and surgical glue on spay incisions. I’ve never needed to use a cone on post-spay mamas, and it’s never been a problem.)
Zelda’s giving me the “What YOU want, lady?!” eyes.
YouTube link
Nick’s a very good hider. I don’t know where on earth he could be.
YouTube link
Jay and Zelda are on the move. Busy, busy, busy.
Nick’s checking out the food! (He didn’t eat any, but showing interest is good. Who’s gonna be the first one to actually try some, do you think? We’ll see – I bet it happens in the next few days.)
Jay’s all “Awww. Nick’s so cute when he sleeps. I wonder what he’d do if I bit him on the butt.” (Good night innernets.)
2022: Bramble gives his foot the ol’ snifferoo.
2021: The entire family.
2020: They love to cram themselves into the top of the cat tree.
2019: Uh oh. Unexpected visit from the Laundry Inspector and he does NOT look impressed. (Charles)
2018: No entry.
2017: “Mama, Mama, Mama, ::smack!:: Mama, I looove youuuu.”
2016: This looks like some kind of clothing ad for disaffected youths.
2015: “What you doin’, weird lady?”
2014: Orlando was all “I NEEDS CLEANIN’, PLEASE,” and Tricki gave him a lick or two.
2013: No entry.
2012: “Hmmm…. Nah. If I drink that much coffee, I’ll be up ALL night.”
2011: Rooster stomping over to see WHAT in TARNATION is going on.
2010: Jake sniffs Bolitar.
2008: Note that Momma Kitty is kneading the air, and in the background, the little gray tabby’s got her paws in the air like she just don’t care.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.