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Richie always looks like he’s worried he forgot something important.
Carmy presents: A Very Good Box.
Richie agrees that it’s a A Good Box, but obviously needs to be gnawed on a bit more.
Richie’s an occasional burrower.
Tina likes to come along and hang out here so I’ll stop what I’m doing and pet her.
Alice and Khal on the couch, keeping Fred company while he reads. Alice loves her daddy (yo), and so does Khal.
Yes, he’s floofy – but he’s also about 4 pounds heavier than her, too.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) yesterday & Tuesday.
Former fosters! Willie (top) and Albert (who we fostered in 2019. They are from Charles and Caroline’s litter) were snuggling in the sun and their sister Josie (not a former foster, but I love her anyway!) was all “MAMA THEY’RE SNUGGLING????” Also, bonus shot of her looking so very stressed out (and adorable.) (Thanks, Mikaela!)
Betcha can’t guess what time it is! (From left: Richie, Carmy & Tina)
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Honestly, that packing strap is the BEST! TOY! EVER! I toss a green mouse, they’re all “Ooh! What’s… oh, just a mouse. BORING.” But along comes the packing strap and they’re ALL about it.
Former fosters! Mondo and Kudzu (from the Sprouts litter in 2022) got new beds for Christmas, and I thiiiink they like them! (Thanks Mikaela!)
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Richie has a purrrrrrrr.
Good night, innernets. (Richie, who is clearly a ball of stress.)
HAPPY NEW YEAR, from these dapper gentlemen (Richie (left) and Carmy; Tina preferred not to be part of this nonsense, thank you) and all of us here at Love & Hisses. Here’s hoping 2025 is beautiful, magical, wonderful, and full of lots and lots of happy, purring kitties. ❤️
Rabbit rabbit rabbit. 🐰 (Alice, who looks mad here, but was purring up a storm because her beloved Daddyyyyyy was petting her) From Wikipedia: “Rabbit rabbit rabbit” is a superstition found in Britain and North America wherein a person says or repeats the words “rabbit”, “rabbits” and/or “white rabbits” aloud upon waking on the first day of a month, to ensure good luck for the rest of it.
Carmy (top) and Richie: who wore it better? (Trick question! They are equally adorable and no one could ever choose!) (Carmy pie is my favorite!) (Richie pie is my favorite!)
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Tossing toys for Tina & the kittens! (Obviously the late night ringing in the new year didn’t slow them down at all!)
Tina’s big dark eyes as she contemplates what’s on the other end of the tunnel are something! (I was dangling a toy to get her attention.)
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BOOPing Richie, BOOPing Carmy. (They are SO CUTE.)
Carmy’s Home Improvement – no job is too big or too small! (As long as it doesn’t include anything more complicated than keeping the stepladder warm.)
Good night innernets. (Top layer: Richie. Bottom layer: Carmy)
2024: Sure looks guilty, doesn’t she?
2023: She was just in the middle of laying down, but she looks like she celebrated too hard.
2022: No entry.
2021: No entry.
2020: Is it POSSIBLE there was a feather teaser up there, you think?
2019: Fender was all “GIMME that!”
2018: Went to Bath and Body Works, got an angry Archie.
2017: 2016 in review.
2016: No entry.
2015: “This feather make me feel CRAYZEE.”
2014: “WE are sleek and slinky, and THEY are big and fluffy!”
2013: When Rick walked through the door after running an errand, the permanent residents all went running away from him. Stripey and Sungold, on the other hand, ran toward him to see what was going on.
2012: In a fangy kinda way.
2011: No entry.
2009: Marion enjoys her some Dog Whisperer.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.