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Stapler’s all “You talkin’ to ME?”
I feel like this will be an excellent headshot for Sodapop’s Linked In profile once she finishes her degree. Very professional.
And one to show her playful side! “Sodapop enjoys playing with crinkly toys, ducking calls from her four children, and double-checking the Churu desk. No Churu Left Behind is her heartfelt motto.”
Three of the four. Where’s Fanta? Who knows! You know how busy and important he is with all those Fanta tasks.
They are fascinated by this toy – it’s the toy where the arm moves around underneath that material, but I haven’t actually turned it on for them. They just like the way the material crinkles under their paws, I think.
Moxie has a snooze all by herself, because sometimes a girl wants a little ding dang peace and quiet, am I right?
Poppi, Sundrop and Fanta are in the crown bed.
Khal’s hatching a batch of catnip.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) yesterday.
Well happy Toesday, and wouldya get a look at these speckled beans?
“Well goodness me,” thinks Sodapop. “They were NOT exaggerating my beauty one tiny bit, were they?”
YouTube link
Stapler works on her jumping skills – and her bein’ cute skills (just kidding – she’s got being cute down to a science.)
Stapler loves hanging out on that tree! Clearly she wishes I’d leave her to her nap.
YouTube link
Something for everyone – there’s skittering, scampering, slapping, and then Poppi goes POP!
Good night innernets. (Moxie & Poppi)
2024: Crouton was about to give Mama the ol’ smackeroo, and Crumpet looked at her like “Have you lost your mind, child?” and Crouton changed her mind.
2023: They are a beautiful, wiggly, healthy bunch, and everyone is doing great.
2022: No entry.
2021: Polydactyls we have known.
2020: Alejandro relives his birthing experience.
2019: Tiny Mary, Tiny Basket.
2018: (Please note Oksana reclining in the middle of the pile like the Queen of Sheba.)
2017: No entry.
2016: No entry.
2015: A++ on the outrage display, Mary!
2014: You were wanting to see his bits, weren’t you?
2013: Meet the Royals!
2012: They certainly do love their mama.
2011: No entry.
2010: Meet the Bookworms. (Psst! This is Corbie’s litter!)
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: Moving into Crooked Acres.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.