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Quilt raffle! The Forgotten Felines of Huntsville auction page is raffling off this gorgeous handmade quilt to benefit the Forgotten Felines of Huntsville Spay/Neuter fund.
Entries are $5 each, and you can enter as many times as you’d like. Buy your tickets between now and Saturday evening at 7 PM Central Time, and the drawing will be here, live, with (hopefully) the help of a kitten or two. You can see more pictures of the quilt over at the auction page, right here.
Good news – Posty and Paper Clip are ADOPTION PENDING – together! – and will be going home later this week, locally!
Stapler is still adoption pending and will be with us ’til early April.
And none of them has to go to Petsmart, which is what I was hoping for!
Once Paper Clip and Posty have gone home, I will be doing the ol’ switcheroo. The Pops will be going into the foster room once I’ve scrubbed it down, and Stapler will have the rest of the upstairs. I’m going to let her check out the downstairs with supervision and we’ll see if Charlie can behave himself. If it goes okay, she can roam the downstairs during the day, and then spend the nights upstairs with me. We’ll adjust as needed.
Poppi and Moxie have a snuggle.
Sodapop checks out the view, Moxie’s climbed up onto the little cat tree shelf, and Fanta has a stretch.
I swear Poppi looks like a stuffed animal.
Sodapop’s keeping an eye on Poppi, who’s going for a climb.
Fanta, encouraging Sundrop. “You can do it, bro!”
Sundrop atop the Fruitasan, Moxie all “That neighbor dude is so LOUD.”
Alice’s new cave. (It came from Petsmart – someone whose cat wouldn’t use it passed it along to me. I’d intended to bring it into the foster room, but then it sat in the kitchen for a while and Alice took a liking to it, so I moved it into the living room (where she continues to like it.) I guess it belongs to Alice… at least for now!)
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) yesterday.
A few people have asked how I tell Fanta (top) and Poppi apart.
*She has more of a “bedhead” appearance, whereas he’s more like a cotton ball.
*His head is big and round, hers is smaller and more angular.
*He’s got an orange/cream tail, hers is much darker (with some orange/cream in it.)
*The orange/cream on his face, ears and tail are the only color he’s got; the rest of him is white. She’s got random dark spots on her back, side, and legs.
*And he’s much bigger. Picking him up is like picking up a solid chunk; picking her up is like picking up a feather.
YouTube link
Fanta found a teddy bear and he’s not sure whether to snuggle it or bite it.
One Fruitasan, 4 kittens. Seems comfy!
YouTube link
Posty is apparently in charge of keeping her sister clean… and Paper Clip doesn’t mind at all!
Posty (left) and Paper Clip are all “You gots a feather teaser? We love feather teasers!”
Good night innernets. (Sundrop, Moxie, Poppi, and Fanta.)
These kittens are climbing, and I would like to formally OBJECT. Stay tiny, kittens! You’re growing too fast!
A Paper Clip loaf! (My favorite!)
(I glanced at this picture and thought “What’s wrong with her tail?! Then realized that it’s just her tail light blending into the white on the rug!)
Poppi sits with her paws nicely crossed because she’s a LAYDEE.
YouTube link
I love how Sodapop calls the kittens to the milk bar, gives them all baths, and then just walks away leaving them HEARTBROKEN. (Worry not – these kittens are plenty well fed. And they’ve started sniffing around Sodapop’s food, but haven’t actually started eating it just yet.)
Posty says “You talkin’ to me?!”
Good night innernets. (Moxie, Poppi, Fanta & Sundrop, who have moved from the Toastycat bed to the basket, because they’re fickle.)
Poppi was hanging out in the Fruitasan, and Fanta said “Move over!” and jumped in with her, and her annoyed little face is just cracking me UP.
Posty’s all “Why you lurking around taking my picture? I’m just watching the birds!”
YouTube link
The kittens are continuing to love the Fruitasan. I’m sure at some point they’ll decide they’re too cool for it, but for now they’re enjoying it quite a bit!
YouTube link
This 3-minute video has tiny kittens running in circles, wrassling, skittering, jumping on each other …. it’s got it all!
Sometimes nap time ends for me but continues for these three (Posty in the back, Paper Clip in the middle, Stapler in the front), and I just find that RUDE.
Good night innernets. (Fanta in the Toastycat bed; Moxie, Sundrop & Poppi in the basket.)
2024: No entry.
2023: Lilly was minding her own business and ALONG CAME LINCOLN.
2022: These kittens sure do sleep a lot.
2021: “NO I AIN’T GOT NO EYES, LADY. STOP LOOKIN’!” yells Uno.
2020: Pablo, who has a whole-body case of bedhead.
2019: Almanzo isn’t sure what he thinks of you, innernets.
2018: No entry.
2017: “Can’t a Sheriff take a nap without you getting all up in her business, lady?”
2016: Ken Adams wonders “What am I looking at, here?”
2015: Mary: arbiter of fashion and killer of fashion faux pas.
2014: Molly Monday.
2013: No entry.
2012: All told, it took less than a minute – possibly even less than 30 seconds – and the first time Fred went into the room after that, Emmy hissed at him, then let him rub her belly.
2011: Bless his heart. (That’s Southern Speak for “What an idiot.”)
2010: No entry.
2009: No entry.
2008: So I got up and got me some kittens.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
So very happy all the Office Girls are adoption pending!!!
Thrilled to hear that Posty and Paper Clip are being adopted together! I hope Stapler doesn’t miss them too much before she goes home to her own forever family. Then again, she gets the whole Churu to herself, now! :^)
Are you sure Fanta is actually encouraging Sundrop, or trying to push him off??? And Moxie’s little leap is adorable! They are at that age where everything is so cute!
I’m so glad that Stapler found a home, so I don’t have to drive over there and adopt her myself.
yeah fur dopshunz!!!!!