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Posty and Stapler in the sun (I think they were looking at a ladybug on the ceiling.)
Paper Clip shows off her pretty stripes.
Posty went to the vet yesterday! The vet examined her and then checked her tear ducts. She said that they’re not draining quite the way they should be BUT they might still be a bit blocked due to lingering effects from the upper respiratory infection. So Posty gets a 2-week round of another medication, and if that doesn’t help then she’ll go back and have her tear ducts flushed. (The vet wanted to try the meds first rather than going right to sedating her and flushing her tear ducts, which is fine with me because although I’ve never had my tear ducts flushed, it certainly doesn’t sound like a pleasant experience and if we can avoid that, I’m okay with that. It’s not like anyone’s knocking down the door to adopt her or Paper Clip anyway, so we’ve got time.)
Moxie’s all “Mother? Are you there?” (She was actually stretching.)
Poppi (left) and Fanta. The way the dark spots are coming in on her head and side make me think of a bruised peach.
I’m not sure what was amazing Poppi, but it was certainly something.
I just love how they sleep in a pile.
Moxie and Sundrop have a tussle, and Sodapop is keeping an eye on Fanta and Poppi, who are just off-camera exploring that corner of the room.
Sodapop says “Come here kid, and give your mama a HUG!”
Khal has such a serious face for such a sweet boy.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) yesterday.
Paper Clip’s all “Pardon me, ma’am, stop fooling around and toss that toy for me, if you would.”
YouTube link
I’m tossing toys for Posty & Paper Clip, who aren’t really into this game until near the end – when Posty catches a few toys… or deflects them, really. (Stapler was sleeping in the cat tree and could not be bothered to join her sisters.)
Fanta always laughs at his own jokes.
YouTube link
Kittens at the milk bar.
Posty the happy little lapcat.
2024: It took Dewey literally less than 10 minutes to locate and claim my bed as his own.
2023: No entry.
2022: No entry.
2021: Smug little face.
2020: Alejandro (sitting up, with the attitudinous gaze) and Pablo (staring in befuddlement at his paw).
2019: Albert’s a perfect little handful.
2018: That sneaky little brat popped those kittens out and I had no idea it was happening!
2017: No entry.
2016: Looks like she caught a case of The Loons.
2015: “I wasn’t biting him on the ear and making him cry! I’d never! And I’m appalled by the accusation!”
2014: Wordless Wednesday.
2012: No entry.
2011: No entry.
2010: No entry.
2009: No entry.
2008: Except there was no Joe Bob anywhere.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
I have had my ducts flushed, and even though I was to be numb, it most certainly WAS NOT any fun and quite awful. I pray Posty recovers on meds.
I want Paper Clip! I just can’t keep collecting cats so I do it virtually through Love and Hisses. C’mon her people, find her before I drive 2,000 miles to pick up a passel of Love and Hisses kitties.