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It’s a good time to remind readers that Fred writes books and has a bunch for sale on Amazon. They are mysteries.
Fred’s book are available at Amazon on Kindle and paperback. There are no mysteries, though – some are horror, some are suspense, and The Convert has some paranormal aspects. (Note: his horror is particularly gross. Please don’t let your children read any of it.) He’s currently at work on something that will appeal to the younger readers.
Is Alice a cuddler? I have a young calitabby (foster fail) who is sweet as she can be, but does not like to be picked up and is not into laps. I pet her when she’s on the kitty tree, or I sit on the floor.
Just wondering if this is a calitabby thing or a Bandit thing.
Alice is not a cuddler. She’ll sit next to Fred and demand to be petted, but she doesn’t want to cuddle, she just wants petting and to sit and gaze at him with adoration.
Can you share the humidifier brand name that you are using? Thanks!!
Upstairs I have two Pure Enrichment humidifiers (this one) and downstairs I have two LEVOIT LV600S humidifiers (this one ). We’re on our third year with them, and they’re standing strong. I like them, especially the fact that they’re all top-fill so I can just walk around with a water pitcher twice a day and fill them up.
Everybody! Stop what you are doing and read the 2015 entry! OMG, the cuteness.
2015 was a good writing year, I guess!
I don’t remember Carson in 2024, which litter is he from?
From waterdragon: Carson was actually an adult foster, not part of a litter of kittens – you can read more about him here.
(Thanks, waterdragon!) Carson showed up on our doorstep in mid-May and was really only with us for a few weeks so he could be neutered and vetted. He was all set to go to Petsmart, but someone spotted him online, fell in love with him, and adopted him, so it worked out well. At the time we were fostering Meander and the Hopalongs, Pita was still with us (we hadn’t figure out what was going on with her, health-wise), AND we were briefly caring for Tala and the Coins, so I didn’t post about Carson all that much.
What is the name of that hanging door mouse toy? I think my cats would like it!
Amazon has it listed as “2 Pack Hanging Door Bouncing Mouse Cat Toy” – and here’s the link right here!
If Richie has bronze eyes, what color are Carmy’s?
Ya got me. They’re emerald green around the pupil and kind of brown around the outside – so… hazel? Green/gold? Opinions?
WARNING: the pictures in this section are of Carmy “with” his mama Natalie (Carmy in the present, Natalie via pictures behind him). If it might make you too sad to look at them, feel free to click here to skip them.
Carmy was sitting on my desk, and I thought “Well, here’s a way to get a picture of a nearly-grown Carmy with Natalie!”
He really does look a lot like her. He’s got her nose! I don’t know that I realized how much he resembles her.
I actually started a video of her playing to see if he would look at it, but my heart wasn’t ready for that.
Richie (left) and Carmy gaze out the window; Tina keeps an eye on those troublesome boys from the floor.
Richie’s all “What doin’, lady?”
Tina just loves to stretch those front legs out as far as she can.
Charlie and Khal, hanging out on Fred’s bed. Charlie loves Khal, Alice loves Khal, everyone loves Khal – I wish Charlie and Alice got along this well!
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) yesterday.
Happy Thlurrrpsday! (From left: Richie, Carmy and Tina)
Throw Back Thursday: Shelton, from 2015. When your camera is set on “panoramic” and you don’t realize it. (I will never not laugh at this picture.)
YouTube link
YouTube link
Throw Back Thursday: From 2011, Ciara (from the McMao litter – Maggie’s babies!) first says “hi” and then admits that she’s da BAYbee.
YouTube link
Throw Back Thursday: Andouille (from the Cajuns litter) from 2017: that last step is a doozy!
YouTube link
Richie is TRAPPED! (not really) under the Santa bed, escapes with a little help from Carmy, and then doesn’t want to share his floofy yellow cat toy. RUDE.
Good night innernets. (Richie (back) and Carmy)
2023: “What kittens?”
2022: Kittens: organized, mostly.
2021: Say hello to the newest foster, Ivy.
2020: Pro tip: if you’re going to wrap a kitten in lights, make sure they’re not twinkly lights, because it’ll look like half the bulbs are dead.
2019: (The wheels under Earl go ’round and ’round, ’round and ’round, ’round and ’round…)
2018: “GIMME that phone, I need to take a selfie!”
2017: I guess it’s the Archie Cave now.
2016: “You gonna take a nap with me?”
2015: No entry.
2014: I’m not kidding when I tell y’all that it has been a BANNER day.
2013: “UNHAND ME, LADY.”
2012: Kohle takes toe cleanliness seriously.
2011: “Hey! Lady! You come here and pet me!”
2010: Vampire kitteh is feeling bitey.
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: The vet tech said that Stinkerbelle was a beautiful cat, and I could see Fred’s ego swell to twice its size.
2006: “You tawkin’ to me?”
2005: No entry.
I considered skipping over the Carmy/Natalie photos but so glad I didn’t. Thanks for sharing them. I understand on not being ready for the video not sure I could have watched tonight but down the line if it works for you would probably take a peek. Seeing them together – Emotions – yes, a touch of sadness at what might have been, but mostly a tender, warm sweetness on how things have turned out. The universe provided the perfect Momma(s) in you and Tina who helped him survive and thrive. Going to cherish these last few weeks with them before Richie and Carmy head off to their furever home.
Well said, and I couldn’t say it one bit better, so just chiming in to say “ditto”.
I completely understand how painful watching the video of Natalie would be, it would break me up, too. And I never met her in person. Carmy really does resemble his mama! Great placement of the funny photo….
Would you please share the link to the cat’s water fountain? It’s Christmas time, and I want to give them the gift of a metal water fountain and me the gift of not handwashing the old plastic one. PLEASE help our Christmas wish come true! Thank you!
It’s the Petlibro stainless steel fountain, and can be found here at Amazon!
I think In the photo above where Tina keeps an eye at the troublesome boys, Richie is left and Carmy is on the right. Richie has one black necklace and Carmy has two.
I would love to see them all go to their Furrever, loving home before Christmas .
Oops, yep, you’re right. I’ve fixed the caption.
They’re all adoption pending, but won’t be going home until early January. 🙂
carmy looks like his beautiful mama!!!
Thanks for the photo of Carmy with Natalie. They do look so alike. Gosh , it still just breaks my heart that that beautiful girl isn’t here enjoying her boy. I have her calendar for next year.
Today’s post gave me all the feels. I’ve thought Carmy looked like his mama for awhile, I think even the shape of his eyes is similar. Carmy is a special boy with a special mama that will live in the hearts of those of us who never even met her. Thank you for that! And the pictures of him with her ::love::
The “Richie is trapped” video was so good, sometimes videos hit a certain way and this one was those two doing something so ordinary, but was just so stinking adorable…I think the little Christmas tree house was part of the charm! As always, thank you for sharing all your kitties!
Those beautiful constructed photos of Carmy and the lovely Natalie brought tears to my eyes, but how lovely that Carmy resembles her so!
Luv the Carmy / Natalie photos. I too teared up some seeing them together, he does seem to have some of her features. She is watching from the Rainbow Bridge.