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This Babka pie has a toy pretzel surprise. My favorite!
Pumpernickel’s all “How YOU doin’?”
Pumpernickel, having moved to the other side of the bed, gives us a glimpse of his cute toes too.
Crouton’s all “Hiiii, Uncle Floompy*. You really ARE magnificent!”
*”Floomp” and “Floompy” are Khal’s nicknames.
Yesterday morning the vet let Michelle know that she needed to reschedule spay/neuter day for Thursday. So Pita, Ciabatta and Babka are going for their surgery Thursday instead of today. Another vet was able to fit Pumpernickel and Crouton today, so I’ll be dropping them off early this morning. They’ll spend the night, and I’ll pick them up first thing tomorrow morning.
Mosey’s all “You smell very interestin’, lady.”
Mosey and Bolt go for a wander.
I think Mosey was out of the crate again when I snapped this picture.
Check out the little smile on Skitter’s face!
Mama took a break, leaving a crate full of sleepies.
The way Bolt has her leg flung across Skitter is cracking me up.
The sun hits this chair every morning, and that’s where you can find Alice. Look at that content little face! She must be dreaming of a world where all kittens have disappeared.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
Today Pumpernickel learned that Auntie Alice doesn’t share food so his moment of “Well, I’ve finished my piece of chicken so now I’m going to eat hers” resulted in a very serious hiss that hurt his feelings.
Meander’s all “Always someone’s foot in my face.” (Bolt is checking out the seating situation from outside the crate.)
YouTube link
Tossing balls for the kittens in the afternoon sun (you’ll be nice and pretend not to see all the fur and dust flying around in the sunshine, right?)
I love that Crouton has her foot propped on the side of the bed as she watches a hummingbird out the window, and I love that I caught Pumpernickel in mid-hop on his journey down the stairs.
YouTube link
It’s a Meander-Skip-Lollygag pie! (My favorite… but Mama says “no thanks!”)
“Talkin’ to YOU, Uncle Charlie.”
(Uncle Charlie doesn’t ever actually bite kittens, but he acts like he might, and the threat is more than enough to get the kittens to stop whatever shenanigans are annoying him.)(Also, Auntie Alice – hater of kittens – loooooves to hang out in the Camp Crumb box once the kittens have been locked in the foster room for the night.)
Good night innernets. (Bolt in the blue collar, who is a girl.)
2023: No entry.
2022: No entry.
2021: Slapjack was trying to nurse on the onesie yesterday and Canasta looked disgusted and walked away.
2020: Bugs is all “MA! There’s a BUFFET OVER HERE!”
2019: Family portrait, and Charles was having none of it.
2018: “Pardon me, ma’am, have you heard about the extra toeses?”
2017: We have an Open Mouth of Outrage!
2016: No entry.
2015: Can you believe that these little monkeys are SIX weeks old now?
2014: Check out that sashay.
2012: No entry.
2011: No entry.
2010: Doesn’t he totally look like a Buster?
2009: These kittens love their sleep.
2008: Kara and the babies are continuing to kill me with the cute.
2007: Stupid weeds.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
Love the new pointy ears!
Alice is dreaming of a world made of ham
A KITTENLESS world of ham. 🙂
Any updates on momma Crumpet?
Still at Petsmart for now.