That’s a lap full of muffins, right there.
You can’t really see her here, but I assure you, Canasta is under there.
In the kitten room, I prefer to have the couch up against the wall because then the room is basically one big open space. But OF COURSE kittens like to get behind the couch and hang out and even fall asleep there, which I don’t like. I figured out a way to put boxes to block them from going back there and it’s worked well for several litters in a row. BUT THEN.
“Hallo!” Uno and Whist got back there. OF COURSE it would be Canasta’s children who figured out how to get back there. Of course.
So I pulled the couch out, tossed the boxes, and now the couch is sitting facing the doorway and I find it annoying, but whatever.
“But lady, we is ANGELS!” I put the cat tree next to the cabinet (where the end of the couch had been) so they could get up in the windows if they wanted to. And the cat tree, which had been rating a “meh” suddenly became The Place To Be. (“A+++! Nearly 6 kittens can fit on each level, and the cat tree comes covered with carpeting that you can occasionally rip out and ptui onto the conveniently located floor! Highly recommend.”)
Rummy’s all “Your lap is okay too, lady.”
Slapjack appreciates the cactus scratcher.
Mama’s dealing out the ol’ chomperoo.
2020: Pablo with the loony tunes eyes.
2019: “That’s right, son. Knock the toy under the closet door – really get it under there! – and then look sad and pitiful so the humans will open the door to get your toy. I’ll run into the closet and hide in the back so she can’t get me!”
2018: No entry.
2017: “Watchin’ you, lady. Watchin’. YOU.”
2016: Bert Macklin was feeling very hoppy-skippy-jumpy. So he hopped, skipped, and jumped.
2015: “Gonna come over there and slap that camera outta your hands, lady.”
2014: Livia sniffs out the situation.
2012: No entry.
2011: No entry.
2010: “Are there hate rays boring into the back of my head, or am I just imagining that searing pain?”
2009: ::slurrrp::
2008: And Mister Boogers lives to het again.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
Those little rascals are growing so FAST! And Charlie looks on the way to being a huge fella. Enjoy your pictures and seeing the whole crew of lucky, lucky kitties.
I’ve always wondered… Does Canasta sleep in the same spot/bed as the kittens? Or does she sleep on her own, now that the kittens are older?
That picture of Uno and Whist peering out from behind the couch made me laugh and laugh. Those smart little monkeys!
Also, the cat tree caption and story – HA!
I just love these little bundles of fur. I love those toys.