Sweet sisters Stardust (the brown tabby) and Phoenix back in October 2017…
And now!
Awww. (Phoenix’s face is cracking me UP. “Seriously, Mother?”)
(Thanks, Debra!)
Albert would like to know where the bottle has gone.
Charles just loves that toy so very much. Whenever he spots a kitten crawling through, he runs over and tries to grab them.
Lucky for Mary, he didn’t spot this going on.
I put the little blue cat tree in their room so that they’d have an easy way to get down from the top of the crate. They still climb down the side of the crate, though, of course.
The day Laura (left) and Mary realized they could follow Ma up onto the bed and belly up to the milk bar, it was like all their dreams had come true.
I’m pretty sure I caught Mary cleaning Charles’s ears. Awww.
All 5 kittens at the milk bar. I’d feel sorry for her, but she flopped down and called them to her (and didn’t stop calling until they were all bellied up), so no sympathy here.
In case you missed it over on Instagram/Facebook on Sunday – one day last week Fred couldn’t find Charles anywhere, so I came upstairs to help him look. We looked under beds, we looked in closets, we looked downstairs just in case he’d escaped, and then finally Fred spotted him, in that pink cave on the shelf.
Happy as a clam. He doesn’t spend a lot of time there, but a couple of times a day he climbs in, curls up, and has some quiet time.
The winner of the Eating-Canned-Food-Like-A-Big-Boy: Almanzo! (I thought it would be Willie, honestly, but nope. Sunday Almanzo wanted nothing of the canned food I put in his mouth, and yesterday he went right to town on it. Bottle-feeding is coming to an end, I’d say.)
“Let me in, let me IN!” Newt prefers to go in and out through a door that a human has opened for him. The cat doors are for the PEASANTS.
2018: Katarina, exposing that soft tuxie belly.
2017: No entry.
2016: No entry.
2015: “Why do my paws feel WET???”
2014: Mariette can’t believe you just said that.
2012: For future reference (although I’m sure I’ll never remember this), it’s apparently at the 3 1/2 week mark when the kittens lose their fear and start seriously venturing forth from their safe place.
2011: No entry.
2010: I don’t know what the number is that determines crazy cat lady-hood, but I’ve got to say that two can’t possibly be the number. That’s hardly even cat PERSON level, right there.
2009: Beulah thinks this is the MOST FUN EVER, and she crawls up on the back of my leg and hangs on for the ride.
2008: No entry.
2007: I ain’t cleaning the frickin’ floors in this house ever again
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
Honesty, this little family is just beyond fabulous. I want them ALL!!! Best ma and pa team!!!
So now you have to tell us where you got that pink cave. My tuxie Allie would like it, and the pink would be beautiful with her shiny black and white coat
These kittens – just so cute! And that includes Ma and Pa!
Newt is so funny and typically cat like – I have perfectly working cat doors – but there are some cats (I will not name names) that have to meow by the door until Mommy or Daddy open it.
If you come in thru the cat door like the other savages do, then there is no one there to appreciate your struggle trying to decide which side of the door you want to be on.
This is SO TRUE!
hey, just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work. Your blog starts my day with a smile! Thank you!
Thank you, Katie.
Robyn, how does Caroline actually “call” the kittens to her to come to the milk bar? Does it interpret to “come and get it guys!”
(Wait, how did I miss this yesterday!?)
((And hey look, why am I not surprised to see you have seasonal cat beds (the Santa one…), because shucks, why not?))
Almanzo is big boy alright! Eating solid food! Are they using the litter boxes all of the time now?
I bought that Santa bed after Christmas when it was on sale, and haven’t broken it in yet. But isn’t it great?
And yep, they’re using the litter boxes perfectly!