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When the milk bar gets up and walks away.
Not the greatest shot, but you can see that their eyes are starting to change.
I love the white fur on Jeff’s leg. (It might be a fever coat, but I think it also might just be his coloring. Time will tell!)
Richie often looks like he thinks he might be doing something he shouldn’t. Guilty conscience!
Though I keep expecting Carmy – since he’s 4 days older – to be the first one to show interest in solid food, it’s actually Sydney who’s been sniffing around the food bowls, and who’s been spotted drinking water out of the water bowl. I think I’ve mentioned that I give Tina a little bowl of watered-down formula in the morning and evenings – yesterday, Fred put Sydney by the bowl of formula and she sniffed and sniffed, and then drank a little bit of it. Not bad for a kitten who’s just 5 weeks old today!
Newt and Charlie have their morning snack.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
Carmy has his formula and then he has a thlurrp.
Yes, I am still supplemental feeding Carmy. He nurses just fine, and Tina’s happy to have him at the milk bar, but if I don’t supplement him (he’s getting about 15 ml of formula 4 times a day), he doesn’t gain. With supplementation he gains about 1/2 oz (14 g) a day; without, he either doesn’t gain, or he just gains a tiny bit. The other kittens gain about 1/2 oz (14 g) a day from nursing, so I’m not sure where the disconnect is. But since he’s gaining well with supplementation, I’m not going to worry. He should show interest in solid food any time now, but until that happens we’ll continue on as is.
Former fosters (left) Hook (Puff, 2013) and Flynn (Kohle, 2012). Selena says: “No. They’re not secretly judging the 4 year old being wild and crazy while they try to have their after dinner nap.”
Their faces are cracking me UP. (Thanks, Selena!)
YouTube link
The kittens are OUT of the crate! (I told you they’d come out eventually.) Tina’s handling it pretty well, though she has a lot to say. (Then again, she had a lot to say when they were still in the crate, so.)
I’m working on a project where I needed a certain number of cat toys that do NOT include catnip or silvervine and I ordered some felted mice off of Etsy. They turned out to be too big, so I put one of the mice in the foster room. After two days of ignoring it, Tina suddenly took notice. She grabbed it up, pranced around the room keening her “I have food for you” song, then sat in the litter box like this for about a minute (while the kittens ignored her). Ultimately she took it into the crate, kicked it around a little, and then left it there.
YouTube link
Sydney’s found the BEST! TOY! EVER! (at least until she discovers her own tail), and mama Tina is not thrilled. (Yes, it appears that Sydney is going to be a floofy girl.)
Good night innernets. (Carmy, Sydney and Jeff in the Toastycat bed, and Richie snuggling up to Gumby in the brass bed.)
2023: No entry.
2022: No entry.
2021: As it turns out, mama Molly Marinara is quite the playful girl!
2020: Aramis is all “Do you mind, lady? We is having a tussle.”
2019: Fleur, Gabrielle and Josephine don’t appreciate me interrupting their nap.
2018: Gauge thinks this scratcher is YUMMY.
2017: “Waiter, there are kittens in my soup. What kind of restaurant is this?!”
2016: No entry.
2015: Zuke reports to me. “Lady, I don’t wanna scare you, but there’s something whirling around up there! It could be dangerous!”
2014: Trader Loon: the floofening.
2013: Kitten mosh pit.
2012: So RUDE.
2011: No entry.
2010: No entry.
2009: We have named the new guys! (Meet the Wonkas)
2008: No entry.
2007:”How about now? Is it time for the snuggle now?”
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
Always happy to see the boys. Even if they’re annoyed about their post dinner nap being disrupted. Hopefully they had an uninterrupted pre-dinner nap.
Thanks Selena!
I knew it! Floofy isn’t easy to spot in young kittens.
Jeff’s (?) face in the first picture (“When the milk bar gets up and walks away”) is absolutely cracking me up!!