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Spock just LOVES to flop down across Uhura’s legs so she can’t move. Her face is cracking me UP.
Spock, Kirk and Kes settle down for a nap.
It always makes me laugh when kittens walk right under their mama on the way to somewhere else.
Spock needs a kiss right on the nose.
Uhura likes to hang out on that scratcher/track ball toy, and Kirk decided to join her.
Kes is flirting with the ceiling fan.
Ooh, the Janeway pie looks perfectly done.
They’ve mostly abandoned the beanbag, but every now and then Troi goes back to nap on it.
Alice Mo relaxes. (She does have fur on the lower half of her belly, but it’s not as thick, so her belly looks bare. She had that area shaved several years ago for surgery, and the fur never grew back completely.)
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
Uhura’s going to sleep in, if y’don’t mind.
Spock with the toes and tail in the air, and the tilted head… ::chef’s kiss:: perfection!
YouTube link
As the kittens get older (they just turned 7 weeks old), Uhura has more and more moments of playfulness. They usually come and go faster than I can capture them, but I caught a few moments of her playfulness.
I was trying to get Janeway to look at me so I could take a cute picture of her in the pink chair, and along came Kirk, who was all “HERE I AM!” with the cute head-tilt.
YouTube link
Kirk has a purrrr.
YouTube link
We have a room full of sleepy kittens. Well… MOST of them are sleepy.
Good night innernets, (Troi, Kes and Janeway)
2022: Nacho’s all “I think I needs another nap.”
2021: No entry.
2020: No entry.
2019: I love that Beauregard and Fleur are both looking at me, like I had anything to do with this situation.
2018: Eliot looks so long and lean here, but she’s actually a teeny girl.
2017: Stardust: sheriff in the making.
2016: Were you worried that my foster room would stay empty?
2015: “I was not sharpening my claws on your socks, and I resent the accusation. RESENT, I say.”
2014: I guess he just needed some love all of a sudden!
2013: ::CHOMP::
2012: Impossibly Petey Pickle would be an excellent name for a sitcom, wouldn’t it?
2011: Princess Poutyface not only has a forever home, she also has a forever sister!
2010: No entry.
2009: No entry.
2008: My monkeys are going to the pet store today! ::sob::
2007: Fred spends so much time talking about how gorgeous Stinkerbelle is, that I feel like he’s having a midlife crisis, only instead of dumping me for a younger, prettier model, he brought The Other Woman to live in my house.
2006: No entry.
2005: “Is someone in the kitchen? OH MY GOD! SOMEONE’S IN THE KITCHEN!”
Janeway’s little light colored chin makes it look like her tongue is hanging out in the photo of her above.