At the one-week mark, it became official: Puff and Flynn have some brudderly lurve going on.
So who took bets on cuddles by the weekend? Well, it started off as a fight because that is Flynn’s ham-mick (even though we have two this seems to be the preferred one) which led to a bath that led to some short lived but still cute cuddles. Puff was snoozing on the ham-mick when I got up to go put clothes in the dryer. He heard me and followed me in the laundry room. When we got back in the living room Flynn had reclaimed the ham-mick for himself and Puff decided to take a leap and attack which started the sequence of events listed above! It was an entertaining 15 minutes.
He wanted to be right by big brother while we were all watching TV!
This lasted a minute before before it was bath time again. Flynn must really think he stinks! lol!
Is that the SWEETEST thing ever, or what? And so fast! Thank you again for the awesome updates, Selena. I know I’m not the only one who’s been enjoying them!
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The Dragons are off to Petsmart tomorrow. It seems both like they can’t possibly be old enough to go to Petsmart, and also like they’ve been here forever. Over the weekend Hodor, Brandon, and Jon Snow finally started coming downstairs (Arya’s been coming downstairs for days – nothing scares that girl!), and Sunday afternoon Norbert and Brandon were chasing each other around and playing with toys together. I love it when they do that!
Ruthie has got the most beautiful green eyes. I love this girl!
By the way, that basket Brandon’s laying in? Here it was two and a half months ago.
Norbie and Puff, one month and a few days old.
“Am takin’ nap, lady. You go ‘way.”
Brandon and Arya, fixin’ to show Norbie who the bosses are.
I don’t know what got Norbie all perturbed, but his expression is cracking me UP.
Hodor, keepin’ an eye on stuff.
I’m beginning to think that Jon Snow isn’t going to keep his blue eyes. I mostly think that because those do not look like blue eyes to me. They almost look gray. When did that happen?!
Ember is the undisputed Queen of Box Mountain. She’s little, but she’s feisty and more than happy to fight off any invaders.
Ruth is happy to take down the mountain, one bite at a time.
Ember’s all “She can’t do that… CAN she?!”
“I am the Queen! And I will have her dragged off the dungeon if she doesn’t stop that!”
Ruth, showing Norbie who the boss is.
Norbie manages to get a few bites in.
“Hey, guys! Come help me get this door open. This is where she keeps the treats!”
Here’s a video of Norbie and Ruth playing hide and seek:
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Tommy appears to be having quite a dream.
2012: No entry.
2011: “This platform is too smaaaaaall, and everyone keeps trying to cram themselves on the platform wiiiiiiith me, and I don’t liiiiiike it!”
2010: Comfy, are we, Marty?
2009: “HI lady. You got snacks for me?”
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: We came back ten minutes later, and this is what we saw.
Hurray for Leai and Buttercup….and for Puff and Flynn. What wonderful pictures. Thank you so much for the updates!!
That Norbert…he is adorable!!!
Sweet, pretty Tommy!!!
This is just amazing. Every time I have to stay offline for a few days, something awesome happens at L&H. First, in May, Khaleesi gave birth to the Dragons and I couldn’t figure out why Norbs was an orphan. Now, Buttercup and Leia get adopted, TOGETHER! WOW! In the future, if you experience some drops in adoption rates, let me know. I will take a few days off and we’ll see what happens 🙂
Good one, Joasia! And Selena, many thanks for your updates — I’m so happy for you and Flynn, and young Puff is huge. Godspeed, Dragons, and may you all find homes and thrones soonest. Tomorrow’s going to be a toughie for Robyn and Stefan.
Elayne always says that whenever she’s unable to find time to get to Love & Hisses, we get a new litter or a new litter is born while she’s away. God help us if you and Elayne are ever absent at the same time! 😉
GREAT shots, all of them!!!! Congrats on the recent adoption :))
Thanks! 🙂
Tiny Tommy tongue alert!
I don’t know why, but the spelling “Ham-mick,” even though I know it’s the registered name, cracks me up.
I always imagine a cat at the keyboard, trying to sound out the word as he types it. 🙂
Awww. Puff is in like Flynn!!! And ear licking within a week? Wonderful!!! And yikes, when did Puff become all grown-up sized?
I can’t lie, I will be heart broken when the Dragons graduate. No more daily pictures but as you say, they’re going to good forever homes.
Puff has grown so much just in the week I’ve had him! He is getting longer and lankier (if that’s a word!) He eats like a little pig!
He’s trying to grow into his head. 😀
Yep! He is rather clumsy with that big old head. He has run into countless pieces of furniture in my apartment head first! It cracks me up!
Nope – it would appear that Jon Snow is no longer the blue eyed baby of the family. And that picture of the Norbs cracked me up “that is AMAZING” 🙂
Brilliant news about Buttercup and Leia!! Awwwwww!! Take care
Don’t worry, Jon Snow will keep his blue eyes. They will just look more gray at times than others. He’s a creme point. He’s definitely keeping those blue eyes!!
I can’t believe how big Puff is! Especially after seeing that baby picture of him in the basket, back when he was all head. So great that he and Flynn are getting along.
It’s wonderful to read about all the good news, I scrolled up to look at who was left at Petsmart and as far as I can figure out they all have furever homes. I figure when you take the Dragons in you’ll update that otherwise a number of people (like me) will be confused.
Yeah, that square is empty because there are none of my fosters there at the moment. I’ll update it tomorrow after I’ve delivered them to Petsmart. 🙂
I’m so tickled for Leia and Buttercup. They’ve been waiting for a while. Now the two pretty tabby girls that were next door to them need to be adopted. They were there just as long or possibly longer. Love, love, love this update of Puff and Flynn. I know Flynn/Kohle is a sweetheart. I didn’t figure it would take them long to be buddies. So happy for both of them!
Told you it would be this weekend! So do I win a prize? can I have a Norbert?? man that picture of him is just priceless!!
Norbert says: Is she… did she just put Miracle Whip? On MY sandwich? After I said FIVE TIMES that I wanted mayo? DID she? She did, didn’t she?! OMG I am totally tweeting this.