Lizzie and Fergus check their looks in the mirror.
Lizzie can’t believe how CUTE she is.
Angus shows off his Ears of Annoyance. It’s an annoyance pie!
Marsali considers her next move.
Fergus needs a kiss, don’t you think?
Marsali, Jamie and Ian are keeping an eye on me.
Lord John is all “This doesn’t involve you, lady.”
Ian gives Jocasta a hug. Awww!
Alice wonders if I’ve come to kiss her. (I have.)
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
Roger pie! Now that’s how you start your day off right.
ATTENTION: WE HAVE A FLY IN THE FOSTER ROOM. Fortunately, Marsali’s on the case and that fly… well, it got away. Better luck next time, Marsali!
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Jenny’s the first kitten I’ve seen get up on top of the window like that (and please note how she looks up, like she’s thinking “Surely I can get higher?”) I guess if you want an adventurer, Jenny’s your girl!
(She’s still available; email Forgotten Felines of Huntsville at info (at) to inquire. We’re located in Huntsville, Alabama)
I was tossing toys, and caught this shot of Ian (back) and Fergus. I love that both of Ian’s back feet are off the floor.
YouTube link
The kittens still aren’t quite sure about this game where I toss toys for them, but they’re learning.
Jamie gets some sun, while Angus stays sun-adjacent.
2021: Charlie and the Ears of Annoyance.
2020: Lola’s all “Wow, I gots a lot of whiskers.”
2019: So I’d imagine at some point in the next 3 weeks she will birth between 1 and 19 kittens, probably when I’m sleeping or otherwise occupied, but maybe I’ll get lucky and will get to witness the blessed event, who knows? Not me!
2018: No entry.
2017: And please do not make me hunt you down and smack you – YES of COURSE when we move from here we’ll take him with us.
2016: “Hi, innernets! Just gettin’ a snuggle!”
2015: “I will take this one, and this one, and that one too.”
2014: It’s not WAHHHHHHHnesday, Gilbert.
2013: No entry.
2012: No entry.
2011: If they weren’t so cute, we wouldn’t always feel the need to pick them up.
2010: Tom Cullen: Simply Flabulous.
2009: Then he tries to stick his nose up Fred’s nostril.
2008: Every now and then the babies will try to nurse, but Kara shuts that down IMMEDIATELY.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: We need a little sign that says Warning: cat can’t hold his licker.
Can I ask, are all the permanent residents past fosters, and if so why did you choose to keep them?
I can’t get over how gorgeous, sleek, and healthy these cuties look. Because they came to you not as newborns, and having had sort of a rough start, they looked a bit seedy (though cute and with endless possibilities of course) when you first started sharing their stories with us. Kudos to Robyn and Fred for the super good care and love you have lavished on these sweet kittens.