I never mentioned this back when it happened, but remember the night that Dennis got out into the back yard and was missing? Well, the next morning he was home again, and when Fred went out the side door to do his morning chores, a little black and white kitten came running from the front porch. Fred is 100% convinced that Dennis brought her home! Well, I named her Monday, and she was tested and spayed and neutered, and went to the shelter since we didn’t have room for her here. I thought she was maybe three months old, but as it turns out she was more like seven months.
Last night, she went to Petsmart, and Susan sent me her pictures and description. I thought y’all might like to see them.
Guess when Monday was found! No, guess. Of course, it was on a Monday. One of the house cats accidentally got outside and when he came back to his home, he had little Monday trailing behind. Her kitty rescuer now wears an electronic collar so he stays close by in the yard but since there was no room for another kitten, Monday came to Challenger’s House on June 2, 2014.
Monday is a wonderful kitten who loves attention and likes to be picked up and held. She gets along well with the other kittens and isn’t afraid of the 2 small dogs that live at the shelter. She will walk over to you and if you don’t pick her up she will put her paws on your leg insisting that you pay attention to her. If you don’t, she will jump on your lap for a snuggle.
She should do well with other pets if introduced properly and would probably love a human child or two to throw toys for her or wave feather teasers so she could show off her jumping skills.
Sights from around Crooked Acres.
Dragonfly, watching us watch the garden.
The Sungolds are ripening, finally. I’m usually able to get 5 or 6 to have with dinner a couple of nights a week, but I’m impatiently waiting for them to come in for REAL.
Teeny tiny toad (frog?). He was hanging out on the fence post and didn’t seem to mind being picked up. That’s my thumb he’s sitting on.
When I put him down, he clung to this weed for a few moments before sproinging away.
Brahma hen would have liked to eat that toad and can’t believe I just let it go.
Brahma hen taking a dust bath, while her sisters (and that stupid rooster) look on.
If you’re one of Fred’s Facebook friends and wonder why he’s been going on about his nipples, here’s the answer: take a food-grade bucket, put holes in the bottom, attach nipples, fill the bucket with water, and hang it. I worried that the chickens were too dumb to figure out this way of getting water. One hen figured it out almost immediately, but it took a few days before the rest of them caught on. Now they all know how it works, and we don’t have to worry about the ducks mucking up the water dishes. (We used to use metal waterers, but they rust far too quickly. So we switched to rubber bowls, and the ducks started swimming in them as soon as they were filled with fresh water. STUPID DUCKS.)
For a while, I’ve been putting the game camera out in various places on the property. I just KNEW that I’d find a spot where tons of wild animals come wandering through, and the game camera would catch them. But as it turns out? Not a lot goes on. I think that George and Gracie (as well as the dog next door and the dogs next door to them, and the dogs… well, you get the idea) help deter most wild animals. Here are some pictures of what I did catch.
Stefan, in the blue coop yard (this blue coop is uninhabited for the moment, but we’re planning to one day reduce the flock back down to less than 20, and move them back to this yard. That won’t be any time soon, not while George and Gracie are with us, but it’s an eventual goal.)
Robin, taking flight at the water station (a bowl of water and a bird bath, which I clean and refill pretty much every day. It’s located in front of the blue coop yard.)
Weird scary alien-looking thing at the water station. I think that must be a bird or bat in flight. Kinda creepy, isn’t it?
Cardinal checking things out, over by the garden.
Bunny in the garden! (Look above the “and” in the watermark, at the edge of the garden.)
If you look to the far right, toward the top, you’ll see a bit of Fred, who was out picking blackberries. And if you look to the left of him, near the fence post, you’ll see Stefan coming along to keep him company.
Bunny in the blue coop yard. (Pretty much dead center of the picture.)
Raccoon on the feeding station; possum waiting his turn.
That possum sure looks pregnant to me.
There’s a small gap in the tractor shed where a possum fits just perfectly. Thus we have a possum living in the tractor shed, in and amongst all the junk. I am less than thrilled with this development, but since I never go in there, and since Fred doesn’t seem concerned, I’m not going to worry about it too much.
Make yourself at home, Mister Possum (this is not the pregnant-looking possum from couple of pictures ago. Might be the father, though!)
Possum at the feeding station, possum waiting his turn.
Raccoon keeping an eye out while he eats.
Chachi (who still needs to be neutered.)
The catnip in the raised bed has gone nuts, so I trimmed it back. Most of it, I hung up to dry. I gave some to the permanent residents, and then I took some up to the Cheez Doodles and Angelo.
Gilbert took to the ‘nip immediately.
Mooch did not quite get what was going on.
“This stuff is AWESOME.” Gilbert was more interested in biting the stems than eating or rubbing on the leaves.
“Why are they actin’ so weird?”
After eating some of the leaves, Grant was also fond of the stems. Angelo came out from hiding to see what was going on.
“Ohhhh, mannnnn, I feel so goooood…”
Getting high on the ‘nip and taking a bath. As you do.
Angelo, the ‘nip connoisseur, knows that you have to really take your time with the good stuff.
I pulled out the cat tree in my room so that I could clean behind it, and put the cat tree ladder on the bed to get it out of the way. Within moments…
“This works perfectly for me!”
“I am the king of the ladder! ::RAWR::”
Just so PLEASED with himself, that Dennis.
2013: “Who IS that mysterious older woman who’s ignoring me? I am intrigued!”
2012: Caspian’s a chatty fellow.
2011: No entry.
2010: “And then we was tutored, and it was EXHAUSTING!”
2009: That is one happy little cat!
2008: Sisterly love.
2007: And then the guy sat down to talk to us, and I turned into a pouty teenage brat.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
You must already have an outstanding rating on Kitty-Yelp and now they are engaging in word-of-mouth viral campaigning as well? That Dennis is a social media genius, have him take a part-time job in advertising to earn his keep…
He says they don’t offer very good benefits, so he’s just going to stay here and sponge off of us.
Great post! In the pic of Mooch, not quite knowing what was going on with the nip: the cat in the foreground is cracking me up.
Awww Dennis saw a kitteh in need and knew just where to bring her! Yep, he is your new ambassador in training!
Monday has the cutest face! I hope her forever family finds her soon! Please keep us posted.
And what’s up with Chachi? Is he still too skittish for Fred to catch?
It’s more a matter of timing – Chachi doesn’t show up every day, and we don’t have anywhere to put him for longer than overnight. The times we spot him, it tends to be on the weekend (or Friday night). Fred’s under strict instructions to grab him next time he can, no matter when it is. If we have to, we can cage him for the weekend; this has gone on too long!
Oh Dennis!!! The savior—-
and I love the Name “Monday”
Dennis and Monday sitting in a tree….k-I-s-s-I-n-g…
First comes love…then comes marriage…
But because they are snipped, there won’t be any baby carriage! LOL
Thats what I’m saying. Nip is of the Earth! If Cat nip is okay, why is Human nip considered bad? Lol
ah yes – introducing the nip to the youngsters (and my how big Angelo has gotten).
Love the Monday story…we can just see it: Dennis finds this pretty girl and is all “well…there is this nice place where I live, and these nice people, though the lady is a little over the top with the camera, and they got a nice house but they may have to find a family for your own cause we got kittens out the wazoo, but follow me and we will get you found”
Love that!
I bet that’s exactly how it happened.
I honestly was not expecting an entry on Fred’s nipples. Snerk.
So glad Monday didn’t already have a bun or two in the oven when you found her and now there’s no chance. Yea!!!
I imagine there’s more catnip essence in the stems than the leaves but Mooch sounds like one of those cats that just have the gene for catnip. He’s got really beautiful eyes, doesn’t he?
I’m SO GLAD she didn’t show up here pregnant – or with a litter of kittens! I’m sure it was only a matter of time.
Robyn, I don’t say it often enough but I do think this everyday: Thank you for your faithfulness in putting up these wonderfully entertaining, uplifting and fun posts every day. Quite often, they are the only bright spot in my day, and I feel so blessed to be able to get a glimpse of a place where there is so much happiness and love. There may be people who think this is all rather frivolous, but I’m sure I’m not the only one who is oh-so-grateful for the joy that you share and for the reminder that all is not so bleak as what we might be currently experiencing in our own little worlds.
So… thank you, Robyn (and Fred!), for your steadfastness in what you do, both with the kittens and for us your faithful and grateful readers.
Thank you so much, Charlene – that means a lot to me.
Seriously? Dennis went out and rescued a kitten and you are only getting around to telling this amazing story now?!?! what’s with you, that is freakin awesome!! See there is a reason you kept him when you let go of so many others we all thought you were going to keep..
Cute frog..
cute tomatoes..
cute kittens..
not so cute alien creature..
Y’know, I’m not sure how I managed to drop the ball on sharing that story!
Since opossums are marsupial mammals, they give birth when the babies are still tiny peanuts. So if Ms. Opossum is looking that round, it’s probably a pouch full of passengers at the nipple, not a belly full of babies. Minor distinctions.
I love that Dennis invited a friend home for a sleepover. I can just image him saying “Come on over, my ma won’t mind!”.
Oh, I never thought of that! I think I’m going to leave the game camera on the feeding station from here on out – if she shows up with them clinging to her (or following behind) in a few weeks, I want to see them!
Gosh, that Angelo is one gorgeous cat.
While I’ve steadfastly bypassed Facebook all these years, Fred and his nipples are making me reconsider my foolish ways. Perhaps I’ll wait till Dennis has his own page. Judging from his recent exploits and mushrooming fan base, this could happen any second.
ooooh that Mooch! I LOVE his darling little face.
I could just kiss his nose for ever!!!
I love the story about Monday! I totally believe that Dennis brought her home because he knew you and Fred would help her, just like you helped him. It’s probably a good thing he’s got that collar on now, or else he might make this a regular habit!