I love Tater’s halo when I catch her in a patch of sunlight.
Wren’s checking out the view from atop the castle.
The castle has a hole on each level so that they can get to the level below, but they prefer to get in and out using this little cat tree. Better than flinging themselves to the floor, I guess!
Starling in the sun wondering if I’m going to kiss her AGAIN. (Of course I did. I mean, how can I possibly resist?)
When I tell you that Rufous is a lapkitten, I do not exaggerate in the slightest. Many times he and the other Nestlings will be racing around playing while I’m at my computer, and then suddenly I realize that he’s been sitting next to my chair, meowing quietly. He is so POLITE – he waits for me to pick him up and put him in my lap, and then he snuggles in and falls asleep for a long, long time.
Starling’s taking a break from folding laundry. It’s a tough job!
Wren’s favorite time of the day: nap time.
Newt is all “Trying to nap here, lady. I know I’m a good-lookin’ old guy, but keep yourself under control.”
(Newt will be EIGHTEEN in October, and he is doing really well. His weight is stable, he’s eating great, and his favorite form of exercise is occasionally hissing at roaming kittens.)
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) this weekend.
In case you missed it, the kittens now have the run of the house during the day. In the morning, after they’ve eaten their own breakfast, they come directly downstairs to the kitchen where they check out Uncle Newt’s breakfast.
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Rufous and his spring, Wren and her tail. Everyone’s got their own favorite toy.
Wren is all “Hey guys, look. My toeses are pink, but my metacarpal pad is black. Guys, LOOK! Aren’t they so cool? The lady says I’m the height of fashion when it comes to feets and toes.”
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Everyone’s hanging out in my office on the cat trees; Wren and Starling are half-heartedly tussling. I try to get Wren to admit she’s da BAYbee, but she’s too busy to bother answering me. (And honestly, we already know she is!)
There goes Starling, staring off into another dimension again. I don’t know what’s going on in that other dimension, but it’s certainly got her attention.
Good night innernets. (Starling and Rufous)
Rufous and Wren have stormed the castle (and they’re not sure how to get back down.)
I went looking for Rufous and Starling, and found them snoozing on the shower mat in the bathroom. I mean, obviously. Why would you seek out one of the thousands of super comfy cat beds located every three feet?
(Permanent resident) Auntie Alice (on the couch) is not thrilled with all the kittens in this living room. (Rufous with his red spring, Tater looking under the couch, and Wren sliding out from under the couch.)
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The Nestlings are such TALKY kittens when they’re sleepy. (I swear Rufous DOES occasionally meow… he just has less to say, I guess!)
Starling found this heated bed (yes, heated in the middle of summer when the outside temperature is regularly nearing 100ºF, what is your POINT?) and she thinks it’s AWESOME.
(Permanent resident) Uncle Khal (who is magnificent) was APPALLED to walk into the living room and find Tater and Starling asleep in the middle of HIS play area. He glared in disbelief for a long moment before stomping away.
The kittens are still enjoying that cat tree in the living room, as you can see. (Wren on the top, Tater and Rufous on the next level, and Starling pulling herself up to join them.)
YouTube link
The Nestlings are starting to figure out what’s going on when I toss toys (ie, they’re supposed to chase them!), and they seem to like it.
Good night innernets. (Starling, who really enjoys deep, cushiony cat beds.)
2022: No entry.
2021: No entry.
2020: They’re discussing who that toy belongs to.
2019: At some point between 2:30 and 5:00, Margeaux birthed 6 kittens, gray or brown tabbies.
2018: Today’s scrubbing-the-foster-room and bathing-the-kittens day, so wish me luck.
2017: Poor Belle. No matter where she goes, those kittens track her down.
2016: “Is Independence Day, lady, and I demands my Freedom!! Let me outta here!”
2015: Skelton & Carlin go home!
2014: “I can’t REMOVE this tag under penalty of law, but nothing says I can’t BITE it!”
2012: “Also also, you startled me and made me go ::floof::”
2011: No entry.
2010: No entry.
2009: “Hey! Guys! I don’t wanna brag or nothin’, but did you notice I’m in the box??”
2008: Kaylee the fearsome beast demonstrates that she can unhinge her jaw and swallow your head whole, if she so desires.
2007: “I am highly suspicious of your intentions, lady.”
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
Ah Rufous and Newt, such orangy goodness!
And everyone needs to revisit the 2012 story series for some awesome stranger danger floof suits!!
Oh my goodness, Rufous the lapkitten! <3 <3 <3 I love lap kitties anyway, but the fact that he sits there and asks you to pick him up and snuggle him – awwwwww. I *badly* want to cuddle him, but alas, I can't reach! Someone is going to adopt a very best friend.