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Good to see that Pita is recovering well. I just remembered that Pita and Ciabatta had swimmer’s syndrome as kittens. Could the patent urachus be anyway related?
No, there’s no relation between the Patent Urachus and Swimmer’s Syndrome.
Skip and Skitter look like identical twins to me. Can you tell them apart without seeing their collars?
Nope, I sure can’t. I could probably figure it out if I absolutely have to – Skitter’s eyes are darker – but I double check those collars regularly!
I’m wondering if the markings on the lighter colored kittens have developed enough for you to tell them apart yet? Do you think they will?
I can’t tell them apart from their markings yet, but I’m sure once they’re all grown there’ll be SOME small difference.
Where did you get the window bed that Meander is passed out in?
I got it from Amazon, right here.
Despite all the pictures of Pita in the foster room, she actually only really spends a couple of hours a day in there. After that, she gets bored and asks to leave. But in those couple of hours, she really makes the most of it! Hanging out in the tunnel…
Wanting to “help” when I was trying to get the Hopalongs to line up.
She spends the rest of her time curled up in my room sleeping, or playing, or stealing Alice’s bed. At night she sleeps with me, and I’ve gotta say, she’s a good little sleeping companion. She’s also got INCREDIBLY good hearing. One night I was reading and she was flopped across my arm, then she suddenly sat straight up, then jumped to the floor and ran into my office. I followed her to see what was going on, and she had somehow HEARD a huge palmetto bug scurrying across the floor. She chased it around for a few minutes, then I scooped it up with a cup and tossed it out the window.
We also have a fly flitting around the house, and she occasionally chases it around. She hasn’t caught it yet, but she’s still got some time!
Lollygag is snoozing while sitting up. I love the points on her ears! Aren’t they fabulous?
It’s not Thlurrrpsday, but Mosey doesn’t care.
The whole gang showed up to work the food truck today!
Skitter takes a break in the sunshine.
Little bit of attitude from Bolt and Dillydally.
I just wish Rocco could find a way to relax.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
The Hopalong Gang turned 9 weeks old yesterday! This week, with the help of Miss Pita, they are learning about Churu and feather teasers and chattering at the feather teaser.
Weight-wise, you can see their chart here.
Pita update! It’s been 9 days since her surgery for Patent Urachus. She went to the vet Tuesday because I could not get her to eat, and I felt like something might be going on. The vet did a thorough exam and was extremely pleased with her progress – she’s well healed, she’s grown an inch (!), and she’s gained weight.
And naturally, the instant they popped open a can of food for her, she ate a ton.
She has been 100% herself ever since. The instant I pick up a feather teaser she puts on her crazy eyes and started chattering. She’s been eating, playing, kneading, snuggling, and showing the Hopalongs who the boss is. She’s back, baby!
Her stitches will come out tomorrow, and she will head home this weekend. I adore this girl with all my heart, but I am SO ready for her to start her Happy Ever After!
YouTube link
Skitter gets flirty with Miss Pita, who wants none of that. Then she startles Mosey, who gives her the ol’ hisseroo.
Throw Back Thursday: From one year ago, this post made me laugh, so I’m sharing it again.
Coming soon to stores near you – Dr. Rufous Thunder’s AWARD-WINNING Diet plan! SO easy to follow, and when you’re done you might be ALMOST as cute as Dr. Rufous Thunder himself!
Step 1: Be hungry all the time unless you’re not. (If you’re not hungry, scream like you are anyway.)
Step 2: Scream until someone feeds you unless you don’t want what they’ve offered, and then scream until they give you something different. Fun alternative: scream until they give you something different and THEN go back and eat the first thing they offered.
Step 3: Eat until you are full. Alternatively: eat one bite, make a disgusted face, and then “cover” the food before stomping away (don’t forget the disgusted face. Hold it as long as you can.)
Step 4: Race around like your butt is on fire until you collapse in a heap, and then sleep like the dead.
Repeat 1 zillion times a day, and there you go. That’s it! How simple and easy is that? Now tell all your friends and make Dr. Rufous Thunder a millionaire, please and thank you.
YouTube link
Pita suffers from cute aggression, I think – she just wants to squoosh those little kittens because they are SO. DARN. CUTE. She was ready to start something with Dillydally until I stepped in… and then she settled on the couch and watched them play.
Skitter says “Huh. There’s a lady pointing a phone at me in THAT room, too.”
2023: I feel like Wren is a very “You’re gonna love me” kinda gal, and Alice is a “NO THANK YOU” lady.
2022: Fergus is all “I may be a bit overdramatic, but I am a cutie-cute-cute, so I get away with it.”
2021: Tater Tot/Princess Periwinkle update!
2020: “This doesn’t involve you, lady. Walk away.” (Bunny, Bugs and Lola)
2019: “For a kitten that isn’t mine, this one certainly seems to make herself at home.”
2018: Torvill’s just got him some crazy eyes.
2017: “SIR, I DO NOT CARE FOR YOUR TONE,” she stated calmly.
2016: Stefan and his minions.
2015: No entry.
2014: “You’re already home,” she said to me.
2013: “Is he… biting my belly? How very odd!”
2011: “Yes, I’m wearing my tiny hat. What of it?”
2010: (Have you ever seen a grown male cat, unneutered? My GOD those things are big!)
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: A new litter box = Big Excitement in Kittentown.
2006: No entry.
2005: Mister Eggs does his bat imitation.