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Babka has worked out a time-share agreement with Uncle Newt. During the day she (and sometimes Ciabatta) get to use his heated bed. At night, it’s all Newt’s.
There’s Ciabatta in his favorite bed (yes, I am considering sending it home with him) with Babka nearby.
Pita’s all “Tryin’ to take a nap here, lady!”
Meander says “What? We all fit!”
All six kittens in (though I don’t know if you’d consider Mosey “in”) the whale bed.
The milk bar’s open. First come, first serve.
Dillydally says “Hey! Lady! Take a picture of me with Bolt!”
When I moved Ciabatta, Babka and Pita out of the foster room, I moved their crate into my office in case they wanted to play on it or hang out in it. It took about 30 seconds for Uncle Charlie to claim it.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
Look who’s 5 weeks old today! Their colors are really starting to come in – it’s not easy to tell from such small pictures, but both Skip and Skitter have cream/orange points coming in. They’re growing up so fast!
Babka likes to follow the sun across the living room every morning.
YouTube link
I have two automatic laser lights (exact info on both of them below), and every so often they go off. They run for about 15 minutes, then turn off for a couple of hours. If the kittens feel like playing – obviously Pita feels like playing! – they’ll chase the lights around. If they don’t, they just ignore it.
The other night I was lying in bed with all three kittens, and I could hear someone downstairs scampering around. I went to look, and Newt – our 18 year old permanent resident – was chasing the light around!
One of the laser lights is a PetSafe Bolt Automatic. I’ve had it for 10 years, and had actually forgotten I had it until I was looking for something else. I like it, it works great, but it takes batteries which is the only down side. The other is a YVE LIFE. It’s rechargeable (needs to be recharged every couple of days) and has three settings. I don’t know that I’d recommend one over the other, they both work fine (though I do like that the YVE LIFE version is rechargeable.) I got them both at Amazon.
YouTube link
When the milk bar’s open, the patrons better get their butts in gear and show up. Who knows when it might get up and walk away?
The kittens are starting to show interest in solid food; it’ll be a while yet before they’re able to get all their sustenance from solid food. They’ll nurse as long as Meander will let them; that’s how it always goes.
Good night innernets. (Dillydally and Mosey)
2023: Plover is just the chillest little angel baby ever.
2022: Hollyhock and Uncle Charlie flirted.
2021: Canasta was adopted this morning and is headed home to Seattle.
2020: No entry.
2019: Ma has defeeted that pair of socks. (See what I did there?)
2016: Ken “Moe” Adams gets his Kravitz on.
2015: “But… I don’t WANT a new little brother!”
2014: Meet the new guys! (Gilbert, Grant, and Marshall)
2012: This boy spends a LOT of time chasing, grabbing, and biting his tail.
2011: “But *I* wanna watch those wacky Real Housewives!” says Dorothy.
2010: No entry.
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: She was howling, she was screaming, she was hissing, she was spitting.
Are we missing an Alice picture? I see her song but no preceding photo as usual…
Oops! Nope, that’s my placeholder, it was supposed to be the two videos I posted on social media (it’s fixed now.) 🙂
The embedding worked like magic. So glad because I don’t use any other so I’ll media.