Rummy puts the ol’ chomperoo on Slapjack.
A little attitude from Slapjack.
And a little attitude from Rummy.
Whist likes to snooze between the pillows.
Nap time with Whist and Pinochle.
“Lady, lady, hey lady, you gots any more of that probiotic? I could use another shot!”
They’re still loving that cat tree!
In case you were worried, the kittens don’t really seem to be missing Canasta. They’re a bit puzzled, like they know something is different and aren’t sure what, but they’re pretty much acting like they always did. They’re maybe a little more vocal, as though Canasta was doing all their talking before now, but otherwise they’re the same.
PS: In case you missed it on social media yesterday, we are adoption pending on Uno, Pinochle and Whist (TOGETHER.) This means that all the kittens are spoken for, and once they’re spayed and neutered next week, they’ll start heading off to their new homes. Not all at once, though, they’ll head off slowly.
Jake’s all “Is nap time, lady. You go ‘way.”
2020: I like how the Toastycat bed is looking on approvingly at Bugs the Cutie.
2019: Mary leaps away to get away from Ma the Bathing Machine.
2018: Debi’s a tree hugger.
2017: No entry.
2016: I’m pretty sure Bert had just gotten the ol’ whapperoo from Chanandler.
2015: Louis senses a disturbance in the Force.
2014: Livia and the Ears of Annoyance.
2013: Floofily fabulous.
2012: No entry.
2011: ::maniacal laughter::
2010: Between the Bookworms and the Rescuees, my home is awash in sweet kittens.
2009: I sure am going to miss the little monkeys.
2008: “You ever get that feeling like someone’s watching you?”
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: This is Flossie.
Awww, sweet loony Jake!
What kind of probiotics do you give the kittens?
I’ve been using the FERA Probiotics for Dogs and Cats because I like that it contains prebiotics as well as probiotics. I mix it into goat milk and then feed it to them via oral syringe and they LOVE it. (I’m sure it’s more the goat milk that they love than the probiotic, but this way I know they all get some.)
Three TOGETHER?! Wow, this is exciting. Yay!
Is it by accident or design that you have a backdrop featuring card suits? Well, the clubs and diamonds anyway, from what I can see.
Look at Rummy’s big ol’ nerdy smile and big feets!
Every single one of these kittens has ears for days.
Glad they all have homes! Yay! And three together is a big commitment but awwww.