When I got Kristi, Katia, Oksana and Torvill home from their surgeries on Monday, I cleaned Katia’s crate out, put a new bed in it, and put it back in the same spot where it was before. To no one’s surprise, Katia wants nothing to do with that crate, and has been spending most of her time in the spot in front of the window, with a varying cast of kittens alongside her.
“She could join me in my box if she wants!” offers Torvill.
Torvill sitting in a giant teacup watching his little brotherunclecousinfriend drag a toy mouse around whilst softly growling under his breath. As you do.
“Playing with my toy, lady. You go ‘way.”
“Hallo, lady.” Scott, with Brian Boitano in the background.
That little smile on his face kills me dead.
Four-kitten pie with a housepanther on the side.
Two-kitten pie has its charms, too. (Ohno and Tessa)
“Why, I oughta…” Brian Boitano can make a decent fist!
“Whatchoo doin’, lady? You tellin’ everyone how fabulous I am?” She really is!
“HEY. I’m fabulous, too!” He totally is!
Picabo and Ohno starring in: Meezer Tussle. Coming soon to a theater near you!
So in case you’ve missed it, as far as the foster room population goes, this is where we stand: Tessa and Ohno are adoption pending (together) and Picabo and Brian Boitano are adoption pending (together) and will go home once their surgeries are past (which should be in four weeks or thereabouts). Debi and Scott are still available.
Available still for adoption also are Torvill and Oksana, who have been spayed and neutered and just need to have their last vaccinations, which will happen in a few days. I would LOVE it if they were adopted straight from here and didn’t need to go to Petsmart.
Also available still for adoption are Katia and Kristi, who I would LOVE to have adopted together. I would prefer to have them adopted into someone’s home – they’d be great in a home where someone wants companionship but is willing to give these girls time and space.
If you or someone you know is interested in Kristi, Katia, Torvill, Oksana, Debi or Scott, send an email to info (at) ffhsv.org to discuss adoption procedures. (We are located in Huntsville, Alabama.)
(Apologies if this information gets repetitive in the near future – I really would love to have everyone adopted right from here, and so want to be sure I repeat the information on who’s available and who to contact as often as possible. I know y’all understand!)
Jake goes for a loony stroll on the deck while Dewey looks on.
2017: “LADYYY. What did I SAY about takin’ my PITCHYER all the durn-dang TIME?!”
2016: “No, Mama, no!” says Princess Consuela.
2015: #Roseanne waits for the mother ship to call her home.
2014: I love the look he’s giving Dennis.
2012: No entry.
2011: I called her Dorfy and when I was looking for her Saturday evening, I called her KittyDorfin’ and then EnDorfin’.
2010: No entry.
2009: No entry.
2008: “She did WHAT?!?!”
2007: “WHO’S READY FOR THE SNACKIN’?” I bellowed
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
Oksana really is a gorgeous girl, what with those fab whiskers and floof.
Jake looks like he’s zeroing on the picture-taker for some scritchies.
God sure did give Oksana and extra share of whiskers !!
Prayers that they all get adopted straight out of your foster room!
Oh, I hope so!
That shot of Scott with the little smile reminds me of a young Prince Harry with that solemn face and ginger hair (or maybe the 24/7 coverage of THE wedding has completely overwhelmed my brain).
I love the brotherunclecousinfriend tag.
No, you’re right, Scott DOES look like Prince Harry as a kitten!
Wow, for the first time I really noticed Tessa’s coloring. She looks like Kristi.
You’re right – she does look in those pix like she may get Kristi’s variety – how pretty!
That pic of Torvill with his mouth open reminds me of Salem the cat from the old Sabrina the Teenage Witch TV series. It looks just like the mechanical Salem ‘talking’.
Prayers that all these sweethearts get to go home in pairs (especially the 2 moms). The kittens had such a big group of siblings I can’t stand the thought of any of them being an ‘only’ pet now!
That crate betrayed Katia and cats have long memories.
It’s funny you say that… guess where she was this morning when I walked in!
YAY! A favorite place is a favorite place!
The crate didn’t do the betraying and I think Katia knows it
Greetings from Charters Towers, Australia! I love this blog and would take two kittens in a heartbeat if it was at all practical. I have enjoyed watching them grow so much.
Greetings and welcome!
I suspect that a punch from Mr. Boitano’s paw would send people reeling. He should become a light heavyweight boxer!
Omg, the 2007 post.. I nearly died. Is that in the best of L&H? Because it should be!
Are the “two cats that don’t belong to us” Maxie and Newt?
I’ve added it to the best-of posts!
And yes, the two cats who “don’t belong to us” are Maxi and Newt. At some point we gave up and accepted that they’re ours.