Weekly Instagram/Facebook/Tumblr Roundup.
“Lady, you is weird.” (Beignet)
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A little pre-nap playtime. And Nola rolls her eyes at the beginning!
Good night, innernets. (Beignet & Roux)
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Time for the morning flailies! Andouille and Praline are getting into it, and I love the look on Roux’s face – she’s all “What are you -? I don’t -?” and Nola’s all “Don’t act like you don’t get the flailies, child. You’re never too old for them!” Meanwhile Beignet is off exploring, of course.
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“Child! I am not a jungle gym!”
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Someone alert the authorities: there’s a fight at the milk bar! Looks like an extremely floofy instigator is testing out his new teef.
This little fluffmuffin weighed in at exactly 1 pound yesterday, and now he’s gunning for the 2 pound mark. (Still not using the litter box, though, the little slacker. Kid, you’re 3 weeks and 2 days old. Time to up your game!)
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“My crate! Mine!” #BeignetTheKitten has a serious slap, doesn’t she?
Mama Nola has a sleepy (and an awesome set of choppers!)
I need to work on my selfie skills.
I feel like Roux is always watching me.
Happy Thlurrrpsday! from Nola and Roux
Did you know it’s Thlurrrpsday? Get your thlurrrp on! (Beignet)
Gots to keep the toe beans clean, especially on Thlurrrpsday!
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Mama’s on the job, keepin’ Roux and Andouille clean!
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Praline is playing, like your average genius 3 1/2 week old kitten.
Good night, innernets. Praline thinks Andouille makes a perfectly comfy pillow.
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This little goober.
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“Can’t I have one minute to pee without you kids harassing me?” Roux and Andouille aren’t sure WHAT is going on.
Oh, do pardon me, at 2 days shy of 4 weeks old, this brilliant little muffin Roux did the peepee in the litter box. I guess her brother isn’t the only smarty pants in the litter.
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If Andouille can ever get to his feet he is SO gonna kick Praline’s butt!
Good night, innernets. (Beignet)
2016: No entry.
2015: Can you EVEN believe that these little monkeys are four weeks old?
2014: Dennis Wednesday.
2013: “FORGET IT. I’m not doing THAT! They can just stay where they are!”
2012: Not in the mood to play with kittens, I guess!
2011: No entry.
2010: It’s a miracle!
2009: Bed capacity: holds four.
2008: These kittens are never going to open their eyes.
2007: The move went about as smoothly as a move can go.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
OMG!SQUEE! I think these may ve your cutest kittens ever! Loved every video and pic!
Thanks, Annette.
You forgot your “p” up in the picture of Praline playing with the packing strap. (I know, it’s in the litter box!).
Ha – that’s exactly where it is! (Thank you, it’s fixed!)
I cannot even! That adorable little orange butt! That awesomely adorable Floof Master Ornch is killing me dead! Seeing him walk, I mean, waddle all fluffy and stuff… head exploded!