Daisy looks like she’s thinking “Hurry it up, kids, I’ve got things to do.”
Nick’s like “Hmm. Nope. Not safe out there!”
“Jay! What’re you doing?! It’s not safe out there, I said!”
Myrtle looks like she’s not sure what she did or where she is.
Trying to convince her siblings to come out of the crate and keep her company, but they’re totally ignoring her. RUDE.
Nick says “I TOLD you not to go out there!”
Alice Mo the calico is loving these warm and sunny days (yo). (Bonus glimpse of Jake over there to the right.)
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
It’s Toesday, and as such – admire Daisy’s beans! Yes, they’re dry and could use a little coconut oil, but Herself prefers not to have the beans touched, so hopefully the Omega-3 oil I’m giving her will help.
Not ONLY is it Toesday, it’s also Tongue Out Tuesday (hmmm. Tongue Out Toesday next week, maybe?), and Daisy is showing off her form. Nicely done, Daisy! (And the kittens, from left: Jay, Nick, Myrtle and Zelda)
YouTube link
Come ON, Nick! Come all the way out! Stop TEASING!
Myrtle says “My brudders and sister told me to tell you we AIN’T comin’ out of the crate, not never ever ever, so stop askin!”
YouTube link
Myrtle’s out! She’s in! She’s out! Myrtle’s decided that out of the crate is kinda interesting (except when it’s not.) I’m pleased to see that she can go back IN the crate when she wants, and I’m going to give it another day or so before I leave that big door open all the time. (When the big door is closed, there’s still a door on the end of the crate where Daisy can go in and out. And the kittens can go in and out that way if they want to, too.) Also: Nick gnaws on Jay (who doesn’t LIKE being the bite-ee, he much prefers to be the bite-er) and Zelda comes out of the crate, too.
What we have here, students, is what is formally known as an “Cute Little Attitudinous Sleepy Pile.” From left: Nick, Zelda (back), Jay (front), and Myrtle)
Good night innernets. (Jay, using Zelda as a pillow. And Myrtle and Nick piled up together in the background.)
2022: THAT is a hammock full of CUTE.
2021: No one pees alone.
2020: Nope.
2019: I think Albert had just woken up and he wasn’t sure who or where he was. (That’s the sign of a good nap.)
2018: Oh BOY, Katarina cannot believe you wore that to work today, innernets.
2016: Ken Adams looks like he’s having an existential crisis.
2015: Hallo.
2014: No entry.
2013: Goodbye, Spanky.
2011: “Don’t judge me.”
2010: Dreamy little Corbett.
2009: Let us talk about little Bessie.
2008: The pigs like chocolate.
2007: “Please, lady? Can’t I go out?”
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
Myrtle’s out! She’s in! She’s out! I’m suddenly reminded of a radio commercial from when I was a young teenager at most, with a guy narrating his antics out (with a corresponding swoosh! noise), in (swoosh!) out (swoosh!) in (swoosh!) faster and faster, until someone, presumably his mother, goes “Henry, stop playing with that revolving door!” *giggles*
I’m late in squeeing at this, but Zelda is a mediumhair fuzzy polydactyl tortie? Squeeeeee! This entire litter is adorable, but if people aren’t lining up to adopt Zelda, I will be shocked. It’s especially fitting that she’s named after the oft-overlooked Zelda Fitzgerald, IMO, since she’s so fantastic.
There have already been at least a few inquiries about Zelda – I, too, will be so shocked if she’s not one of the first ones adopted (though Forgotten Felines won’t be taking applications for another 6 weeks or so!)