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Although watching Stapler walk around with that ball in her mouth makes me want to squoosh her.
Posty says “Don’t lie to yourself, lady. I am the cutest, and you know it.”
Poppi wonders where all her siblings went.
There was a ladybug flitting around the room, and Sodapop was ready to smack it.
“This is how we sharpen our claws, kid,” said Sodapop.
It doesn’t happen often, but I love it when Sodapop gets one on one time with any of her kittens.
And Sodapop says “WHAT do you think you’re doing?!”
Sundrop and Fanta check out the litter box.
Eating litter is normal for kittens at this age – like human babies, everything goes straight into the mouth – which is why I use non-clumping clay litter in the boxes. This will likely only continue for a few more days. Usually once they’ve completely figured out the litter box, they stop eating litter. And they’re doing great at figuring out the litter box!
Khal, enjoying the warm cement. He’s ready for spring!
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) yesterday.
Poppi relives her birth experience.
Remember former fosters Cedric (formerly Helix) and Luna (formerly Spiral, with the white on her face)? They’re doing great and settling in – and are still just SO gorgeous! (Thanks, Shirley!)
YouTube link
Up they go, like popcorn in the air.
(Song created by Fred, using Suno AI)
Moxie’s complaining because everyone started nursing without her, and mama Sodapop is all “Hush up, kid, and take your seat.”
YouTube link
Moxie and Poppi are in the Toastycat bed, and Sundrop and Fanta are exploring the room under Sodapop’s watchful eye.
No other litter has used the mirrors as often and consistently as this bunch, and it always makes me laugh to watch them. (In this case, Stapler.)
Good night innernets. (Clockwise from top left: Poppi, Sundrop, Moxie & Fanta.)
2024: She does not love kittens, if you wondered.
2023: No entry.
2022: No entry.
2021: “Gonna give that lady a piece of my mind, keep piling kittens in a box, the crate pad wasn’t THAT dirty, grr…”
2020: Here comes Carmelita…
2019: Albert makes a fine pillow.
2018: The kittens will STARVE! you might worry.
2017: No entry.
2016: No entry.
2015: “Am exhausted, lady.”
2014: Ferdinand was the last one to run off, because he’s NOT SKEERED OF NO STRANGERS.
2013: That’s right, still bakin’.
2012: Oh, look! Time to eat. That only happens constantly, we’re lucky I had the camera with me while it was happening.
2011: No entry.
2010: No entry.
2009: No entry.
2008: Sometimes the wait is so long and strenuous that he sits there, dozing.
2007: Sugarbutt does his Popeye impression.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
shirley, those are magnificent floofy kitties.
When you put out Sodapop’s food, do you wait and see if any of the kittens seem interested? At what age do they get interested? After they’ve mastered the litterbox?
Love those three ‘Office Girls’; they are all the cutest, it is true.
Poppi’s little dandelion puff head is too much! (And I can’t get enough…)
SO great to see Cedric (formerly Helix) and Luna (formerly Spiral)!!!