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“What doin’, lady?” inquires Fanta.
It’s a Sundrop loaf, which is indeed my FAVORITE.
I love it when the kittens stomp around with their tails straight up in the air.
Then moves to another location for a snuggle with Poppi.
It’s a lady cat in the CatLadyBox.
Sodapop came through her spay perfectly fine, and we were home by noon. The kittens sniffed her, told her she smelled weird, and just kind of went about her day. She wandered around the room for a few hours, sniffing things and then eating, and finally settled down for a long afternoon nap. I’m so glad to have that done and over with!
Rocco settles into his heated bed, which is now on the ground because he hurt his paw. (Yes, he went to the vet, where they did an x-ray and said, basically, “Looks like he hurt his paw.” He’s got a pain med and I’m only surprised that Fred hasn’t purchased a BabyBjorn carrier to carry him around in. YET.)
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) yesterday.
Sodapop is outta here in a bit – it’s spay day for our little mama! She’ll come back here to recover, and once she’s healed a bit from her spay, she’ll start getting some kitten-free time in other parts of the house.
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Asking Stapler all the tough, hard-hitting questions.
Sodapop is home from her spay – we’ve been home a couple of hours – and is doing well. She got sniffed by her kittens, who shrugged and said “Mama smells a little weird, oh well.” She never went into heat, thankfully, and I feel like I won the lottery.
(Note: we don’t use a collar or recovery suit post-spay or neuter because it’s never been needed. The vet uses surgical glue to close the incision and everyone pretty much leaves their incisions alone, though of course I keep a close eye on them!)
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This one starts with Fanta off playing by himself with the other three half-watching him… and then Moxie goes over into his space, so he tries to start something with her. Along comes Sundrop, and there’s a whole lotta skittering going on.
Good night innernets. (Sundrop)
2024: Pumpernickel can’t believe they’re going to be selling croissants at the Burger Barn. Fancy!
2023: “Yeah, they’re fine.”
2022: No entry.
2021: No entry.
2020: Diego’s all “How YOU doin’?”
2019: The nose collage.
2018: Dean likes the orange ones. Oh, who am I kidding? Dean loves ’em all.
2017: I was trying to get a good picture of her shape. Football-shaped, am I right?
2016: Making biscuits with Chef Stefan
2015: I guess it takes a long time for a belly full of 75 kittens to finish cooking.
2014: “I didn’t do it. You can’t prove it. Go away.”
2011: Tom needs a home.
2010: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: I think you can imagine how very thrilled I was.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
LOL’ed thinking about Fred carrying Rocco (“he’s not our cat!”) around in a Baby Bjorn! 😉