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Feather teaser time with Stapler.
And Stapler trying to decide whether she wants to be a pie or a loaf.
When I moved the kittens from my office to the foster room, Poppi immediately noticed and climbed into the Fruitasan.
And Sundrop found the pink Adirondack pretty darn quickly.
Fanta was impressed with how much more space there is.
Sodapop was like “I don’t know about this, lady.”
More places to climb! And nap!
Sodapop was introduced to the Churu desk.
And was like “I guess this place is alright!”
Poppi was happy to see her favorite blue cat tree (which I moved from my office.)
Poppi is learning about boxes.
Charlie, reclaiming his favorite afternoon nappin’ spot.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) yesterday.
We are SIX! WEEKS! OLD! I moved them to the foster room early Saturday, and they are having a BLAST. They’re finally starting to eat solid food, are climbing and jumping and playing with toys. They are very healthy little monkeys! You can see their weight chart here.
NOTE: Forgotten Felines of Huntsville does not accept applications on kittens younger than 10 weeks old. These guys are 6 weeks old, soooo 10 – 6 = 4 weeks before you can apply!
Rhya (formerly Posty) and Calypso (Paper Clip) are settling in! Hopefully they’ll learn to relax and snuggle, but y’know these things take time. 😉 Just kidding, it took no time at all for those girls to show just how ridiculously snuggly they are! (Thanks Erica!)
YouTube link
Sodapop and her kittens are now in the foster room, and they are loving having all that space to run and play!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day, from this adorable lass! (Stapler)
YouTube link
Stapler has a purrrrr.
Little bit of attitude from these three! From left: Poppi, Sundrop & Fanta. (Moxie was extremely busy doing Moxie things and could not be bothered to join.)
2024: Maybe triple adoptions will be the theme for this year? A girl can hope!
2023: No entry.
2022: Bramble’s feelin’ grumpy.
2021: Whist spends a lot of time sniffing around the crate like a little bloodhound.
2020: “Well,” said Javier. “You don’t have to be RUDE.”
2019: In future years, when I think of Willie, I will forever remember him sitting around with a little formula right below his mouth.
2018: No entry.
2017: No entry.
2016: Ken Adams haz a sleepy.
2015: Heeeere he comes to save the dayyyyy! Mighty Pete is on his wayyyyy!
2014: And now we have a screen door!
2013: “Humans. So gullible.”
2012: Lazy Sunday.
2011: (But, y’know, no pressure or anything, Maggie!)
2010: A future litter of kittens (when it’s MY turn to name them!): Dither, Ponder, Discuss, and Swagger. I’ll call them The Verbs!
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
Its too bad that Rhya and Calypso are having trouble relaxing in their new home…
So snug and hug so quicky1