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Just a reminder that you’ve got ’til tomorrow at 7 PM Central Time to enter the raffle and win this gorgeous quilt! All proceeds benefit the Forgotten Felines of Huntsville spay/neuter fund. You can check out more pictures on the Facebook page, right here.
In case you missed it…
Posty and Paper Clip were adopted yesterday, together! They went locally here in the Huntsville area, and I delivered them myself. Posty’s new name is Rhya, and Paper Clip is Calypso, and I think those names fit them beautifully.
Stapler is still here with us – she’s adoption pending, if you’d forgotten, and will go home in April. According to Fred, she meowed for a little while after I left with her sisters, and by the time I got home she was pretty chill. I started tearing the foster room apart in preparation for cleaning and disinfecting, and she kept me company. I had a huge armload of laundry to carry downstairs, and when I opened the door at the top of the stairs, Stapler flew through the door and I just let her explore. She spent the rest of the day making brief trips downstairs to explore, always returning upstairs to my bedroom. It would be LOVELY if I could just let her run around the house all the time, but I don’t quite trust Charlie to behave himself, so we’ll see.
Here are the rest of the pictures I took of Posty and Paper Clip while they were here with us.
Paper Clip always seemed like she was on the verge of trying to take over that top level, but never actually tried it.
Feather teaser up there, do you think?
Nap time with Paper Clip and Stapler.
Posty checks out the back yard.
Posty relaxing on the couch in the foster room.
Yes, the girls did get to take a loaf pan AND a pie plate with them.
When I left the girls, they were running around, tails held high, exploring every nook and cranny of their new home. I think they are going to have a VERY happy and spoiled life!
Just a little bit of attitude from Moxie.
Sundrop and Moxie check out the view.
Hopefully today’s the day I get the Pops moved into the foster room! Depending on how things go, they may have to wait until tomorrow, but either way – it’s almost time to move and I can’t wait ’til they have more room to run. It’s gonna blow their little minds!
In lieu of a permanent resident picture, please admire a few garden-type pictures from last summer.
One of the first things Fred did the first spring after we moved in here was to plant Muscadine vines. (Muscadines are native grapes that grow well around here.) Late last summer, we got our first batch!
I made a very small batch of Muscadine jelly. (It yielded two jars.)
And the catnip plant in the back flower bed did not attract cats, but it certainly attracted a ton of bees!
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) yesterday.
Happy Thlurrrpsday from this ridiculous little floofball. (Poppi)
Hooray, hooray, Posty and Paper Clip were adopted (together) today! Posty is now Rhya and Paper Clip’s Calypso, and they are going to be so loved and spoiled! Happy life, sweet girls! ❤️
YouTube link
Sundrop has the zoomies and Poppi’s using the litter box and making sure EVERYONE knows about it.
Poppi’s a little bit hidden there on the far right, but all four kittens crammed themselves into the top of the little cat tree and took a nap together.
YouTube link
Keeping it clean: mama Sodapop leads by example.
Bath time for Stapler. (Stapler knows that her sisters are gone – they were adopted this morning – but she doesn’t appear to be missing them.) (Stapler is adoption pending and will go home in April.)
2024: Sometimes the nap continues without me, and I really don’t think that’s fair.
2023: She is a TOTAL sweetheart.
2022: Good lord, that blissful little face.
2021: Can we assume we’ve got a particularly dramatic bunch of kittens this time around? I think we can!
2020: No entry.
2019: You can only see 3 kitten heads, but I swear they’re all there.
2018: Chunky little muffins.
2016: Susie wonders if she’s flying.
2015: Well, shoot. I’ve got the box of #Stefan packed and ready to go, and I can’t remember who ordered it!
2014: Oh, Orlando. Those ears are something else!
2013: “ATTENTION, BABIES: Due to this behavior on the part of the humans, you will not be making an appearance for a long, long time.”
2012: “No, seriously. I think I’m gonna barf.”
2011: But he later confessed that he’d tried to pick Rufus up, and Rufus lost his mind, did some ninja moves, and Bob’s yer uncle, there was poop on the wall.
2010: Hoyt and Bill updates.
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
Is the raffle open to non-US? 🙂
It sure is!
Awesome!! 🙂
Hip hip hooray for Posty/Rhya and Paper Clip/Calypso!!! So glad to hear that they got right down to the business of exploring (with high tails) their new home.
As for that “Good night innernets” picture of Moxie — well that is just the absolute sweetest thing I have ever seen. Fuzzy little bit of sweetness with eyes buttoned up tight. And that wee paw. Not to mention the nose splotch. That is some powerful cuteness.