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A little bit of attitude from Posty.
“Gimme that teaser, lady,” says Stapler.
Moxie, Poppi and Fanta would like you to know that it is a ROUGH life.
Moxie from behind. So CUTE, so FLOOFY.
Fanta, Poppi and Sundrop tussling in the bed, while Moxie watches from a distance.
Moxie says “Mama, LOOK! Mama, LOOK! I gots a belly!” Sodapop is clearly impressed.
Poppi’s coming through! I swear I could do a page-a-day calendar with just shots of kittens coming through the tunnel scratcher.
Khal loves that track ball toy SO VERY MUCH.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) yesterday.
Poppi and Moxie have a cuddle. (Just kidding! They were biting and kicking each other right up until the moment I took this picture.)
Former foster Amber (Ambercup, 2015) is one cozy little cinnamon bun❤️ (Thanks Debra!)
YouTube link
I was waving what is apparently Stapler’s favorite teaser around (it’s got a mylar toy on the end of it as opposed to feathers), she was chattering at me, and I swear she sounded like a duck.
Fanta says “I’m just gonna flop over your foot and take a snooze, lady.” Whatever you want, kid.
YouTube link
Zoom zoom zoom! There goes Poppi! She’s gone wild!
NOBODY PEES ALONE. It’s the law!
2024: “Lady, GIVE US THE CHURU!”
2023: No entry.
2022: No entry.
2021: “We can laugh at you if we wanna, lady.”
2020: Inspector Javier checks out the structural integrity of the crate.
2019: Willie and Albert, out cold.
2018: Whoooo’s the Katia Whisperer? ‘Cause it ain’t Fred!
2017: No entry.
2016: No entry.
2015: “Get out mah way! I gots it!”
2014: My glamorous life: you know you want it.
2013: Note to Tommy: it’s impossible to look scary in a blue cape.
2012: “I like to get as close to Mama’s face as possible. It’s more comfy up here.”
2011: No entry.
2010: No entry.
2009: No entry.
2008: “Woe is me, and when will the suffering ENNNNND?”
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
Poppi’s coloring is just amazing. I hope her people will share pictures of her as she grows up so we can see the end result.
Don’t forget the pink chair calendar.
My cats do the same thing with the trackball toy. Do you get replacements for the cardboard inserts? My cats scratch the heck out of ours within days.