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A little bit of attitude from Posty.
“Gimme that teaser, lady,” says Stapler.
Moxie, Poppi and Fanta would like you to know that it is a ROUGH life.
Moxie from behind. So CUTE, so FLOOFY.
Fanta, Poppi and Sundrop tussling in the bed, while Moxie watches from a distance.
Moxie says “Mama, LOOK! Mama, LOOK! I gots a belly!” Sodapop is clearly impressed.
Poppi’s coming through! I swear I could do a page-a-day calendar with just shots of kittens coming through the tunnel scratcher.
Khal loves that track ball toy SO VERY MUCH.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) yesterday.
Poppi and Moxie have a cuddle. (Just kidding! They were biting and kicking each other right up until the moment I took this picture.)
Former foster Amber (Ambercup, 2015) is one cozy little cinnamon bun❤️ (Thanks Debra!)
YouTube link
I was waving what is apparently Stapler’s favorite teaser around (it’s got a mylar toy on the end of it as opposed to feathers), she was chattering at me, and I swear she sounded like a duck.
Fanta says “I’m just gonna flop over your foot and take a snooze, lady.” Whatever you want, kid.
YouTube link
Zoom zoom zoom! There goes Poppi! She’s gone wild!
NOBODY PEES ALONE. It’s the law!
2024: “Lady, GIVE US THE CHURU!”
2023: No entry.
2022: No entry.
2021: “We can laugh at you if we wanna, lady.”
2020: Inspector Javier checks out the structural integrity of the crate.
2019: Willie and Albert, out cold.
2018: Whoooo’s the Katia Whisperer? ‘Cause it ain’t Fred!
2017: No entry.
2016: No entry.
2015: “Get out mah way! I gots it!”
2014: My glamorous life: you know you want it.
2013: Note to Tommy: it’s impossible to look scary in a blue cape.
2012: “I like to get as close to Mama’s face as possible. It’s more comfy up here.”
2011: No entry.
2010: No entry.
2009: No entry.
2008: “Woe is me, and when will the suffering ENNNNND?”
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
Poppi’s coloring is just amazing. I hope her people will share pictures of her as she grows up so we can see the end result.
Don’t forget the pink chair calendar.