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I received more holiday cards yesterday! I scanned them, and you can look through them below, or go to Flickr and see them in the album here.
(Did I mention that y’all send the BEST BEST BEST cards? True story!)
I could see your humidifier. Have you seen this?
@kelseyg77 Safe to say we’ll all be napping for the rest of the afternoon 😂 #cats #pregnant #expecting #husband #boyfriend #catfun #love #firsttimedad #expectingdad #adorable #cattoys ♬ Lovable and funny animals – ALOHI STYLE
(Link to TikTok video if you can’t see the embedded video above. Or description: owners put “catnip tea” in their humidifier and cats get soooooo hiiiiiigh.)
I actually had not – and it hadn’t occurred to me that you could put “catnip tea” in the humidifier. I won’t lie, I’m tempted to give it a try…!
It’s family laundry-folding day, oh joy!
“You got a lotta clothes, lady.”
Carmy and Richie take a basket break.
“Why so many socks? How many feet you got, anyway?”
Tina was hanging out atop the scratcher in the bathroom, and along came Carmy and Richie.
Carmy was relaxing, and glanced up…
Then was like “Well HELLO beautiful girls!”
Charlie loves to pile up in this big pink bed. It matches his nose!
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) yesterday.
Happy Thlurrrrpsday! (Two outta three ain’t bad, right?)
Throw Back Thursday: From 2019, Khal was wondering if I was ever going to put the Christmas decorations away. (He’s one of those “Everything comes down the day after Christmas!” types.)
YouTube link
I’m tossing toys for Carmy and Richie, who are feeling especially sassy today!
Richie (left) and Carmy from behind. Richie’s darker and more spotted; Carmy’s lighter and more stripey. Also (though you can’t tell from this picture), Carmy’s face is much rounder, and Richie’s face is more angular.
YouTube link
Looks like these three decided to kick off 2025 by wearing their crazypants 24/7.
2024: Then watches with interest as Charlie yawns unconcernedly.
2023: Snuggly girls in the fancy brass bed.
2022: The Christmas tree and all the decorations (except for the wreath on the door) are put away, but Ivy still likes the view from the stairs.
2021: Auntie Alice is not a fan of kittens, not even Fritter.
2020: Josephine reminds me so much of her mama here.
2019: And Cam said “GUYS. Let me in!”
2018: Speaking of staying warm, we’re doing our best.
2017: Dewey gets named.
2016: No entry.
2015: Good morning, smugshine.
2014: “Feather teaser, patch of sunlight… does life GET any better?”
2013: “I WASN’T SLEEPIN’!”
2012: Chuckles and Patty, stressing out as usual.
2011: Someone looks super guilty here, am I right?
2010: “If you call her my ‘little girlfriend’ one more time, I’m going to cut you.”
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: (I myself suffer from Shut-Up-And-Go-Away-itis)
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.