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Pumpernickel loves to wrassle with the crown bed.
Babka in the sun, keeping an eye on things.
Pumpernickel, trying to decide whether to climb my leg. (He did!)
Ciabatta in the crown bed, obviously thinking “This is comfy!” Well, that or “I wonder if the milk bar is open?”
Crouton, Pita and Ciabatta were all comfy on the cat tree, and then they heard Pumpernickel coming. The look on Ciabatta’s face cracks me up.
The crate is clearly just another cat tree to these kittens. They LOVE to climb on top of it – I pushed it a little closer to the blue tree so they could go from the crate to the blue tree and then to the ground. Sometimes they go to the ground from the blue tree, and sometimes they continue along the obstacle course to the hammock and then to the egg chair.
Ciabatta opted to jump from the blue tree to the ground.
It took a couple of days, but Crumpet discovered that the brass bed has a space under it where it’s comfy to hang out away from kittens.
Looks like Charlie’s brain has melted. Sunshine’ll do that!
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
Pita discovered the Fruittasan! (She didn’t stay in it long, though. The way it was moving back and forth when she moved kind of freaked her out.)
A close up of Pumpernickel’s changing eyes. So pretty!
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Mama Crumpet settles down for a nap in the comfy bed. Crouton and Ciabatta settle down for a nap in the little cat tree. Pita… wrestles with the crate. And Babka walks around on top of the crate and looks for trouble. (Pumpernickel was in the litter box and thus is not in this video.)
Babka cannot BELIEVE that Crouton has the audacity to bite her tail (never mind that one minute ago Babka was biting Crouton’s tail.)
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If I had 1 millionth of the energy these kittens have, my house would be spotless, I would have everything on my “to do” list checked off, and my yard would look like it were professionally landscaped. But ALAS, I do not. So I’ll just sit here and enjoy the energy that has them skitterbugging, hippity-hopping, bouncing off the walls, and challenging the crate to a duel – all at the same time.
Good night innernets. (Pumpernickel (left) and Crouton in the front; Pita (left) and Ciabatta in the back. Babka was across the room asleep on the big cat tree.)
2023: In case you missed it, the kittens have been named!
2022: Kudzu and Hollyhock said “Hmph. There’s nothing out there worth seeing!”
2021: Time for your morning baths, kids!
2020: No entry.
2019: The milk bar is crowded these days.
2018: “Granny, this lady is weird.”
2017: “Lady, seriously.”
2016: I don’t know how kittens can breathe with their siblings laying directly on their faces, but Bert Macklin survived just fine.
2015: “This Lippman person writes a comfy book!”
2014: Angelo, letting Ferdinand suck on his toe.
2012: “Wait… there are TWO of them?!”
2011: No babies yet.
2010: We’re staying inside where it’s nice and warm.
2009: No entry.
2008: Fred thought it would be a good idea to pick up the pig.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.