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It’s Pi Day! Please help yourself to…
Then curl up for a long, long nap.
Sometimes the nap continues without me, and I really don’t think that’s fair. But the kittens think it’s just fine.
Huey was just hanging there… I don’t know how that can be comfy, but apparently it was.
Pi Day continues, so please help yourself to…
A Ciabatta pie. (He’s also got his Thlurrrpsday thlurrrp going!)
And/or a Crouton pie, with a side of Crumpet!
Pumpernickel, Babka and Crouton were sitting in my lap, and then in climbed Pita. She cleaned her foot.
She said “Oh, hi!” while kicking Babka in the face.
And then she stuck her foot in Crouton’s mouth. Crouton bit it, and Pita and went to cry to her mother, who was unconcerned.
Charlie likes the view from the foster room.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
I used to prepare the kittens’ breakfast (and dinner) on the counter next to the sink in the foster room. Then this smartypants (Huey) figured out that he could jump up there, so he started jumping up as I was emptying the can of food onto the plate, and he’d take these huge bites of food. I tried to block him from getting up there (and would repeatedly grab him and put him back on the floor), but he was VERY persistent. So I started putting the plate on top of this covered trashcan (which is on a cabinet at a 90 degree angle from where the sink is), and he’d just STROLL on over and help himself there. Then he got to the point where he’d jump up next to the sink and walk over to the covered trash can and wait to see what I’d do next.
So now I plate their food in the kitchen before I open their door in the morning, which works better. But he’s always sitting on top of the the trash can when I walk into the room first thing in the morning. I think he knows there’s a reason he wanted to be there, he just can’t remember what that reason is.
I don’t know what Pumpernickel was scheming here, but whatever it was had him looking very pleased with himself.
YouTube link
I clipped out parts from several recent videos of the Ducklings and slowed ’em wayyy down. These boys have the moves!
Huey’s all “What? I was NOT hanging down through this opening in the cat tree so that I could slap at Dewey and annoy him. I’d NEVER.”
YouTube link
Crumpet loves that green bean toy (yes, it has catnip in it. It’s not the only toy in the room with catnip in it, though) and likes to carry it around and call the kittens to her to… Well, I’m not sure what she expects the kittens to do. Maybe she’s just training them to follow the green bean.
Louie enjoys some afternoon sun from atop his (Newt’s) heated bed.
Good night innernets. (Clockwise from Pita – front and center, with the emo/punk hairdo – Pita, Babka, Crouton, Ciabatta and Pumpernickel. Some of us are sleepier than others of us, as you can see by Pita and Babka’s big bright eyes.)
2023: She is a TOTAL sweetheart.
2022: Good lord, that blissful little face.
2021: Can we assume we’ve got a particularly dramatic bunch of kittens this time around? I think we can!
2020: No entry.
2019: You can only see 3 kitten heads, but I swear they’re all there.
2018: Chunky little muffins.
2016: Susie wonders if she’s flying.
2015: Well, shoot. I’ve got the box of #Stefan packed and ready to go, and I can’t remember who ordered it!
2014: Oh, Orlando. Those ears are something else!
2013: “ATTENTION, BABIES: Due to this behavior on the part of the humans, you will not be making an appearance for a long, long time.”
2012: “No, seriously. I think I’m gonna barf.”
2011: But he later confessed that he’d tried to pick Rufus up, and Rufus lost his mind, did some ninja moves, and Bob’s yer uncle, there was poop on the wall.
2010: Hoyt and Bill updates.
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.